Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Qupperneq 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Qupperneq 46
Design Emerging46The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 15 — 2016 Tanja Levý is an Icelandic fashion and textile designer who has gar- nered attention for her tropical designs. She studied at the Reyk- javík School of Visual Arts and in 2012 finished her bachelor's in fashion design at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. She has in- terned for design label Eley Kishi- moto and taken part in various design projects and exhibitions. Her most recent clothing line, Sýnódísk Trópík, has now been released and is for sale at www. When did you start designing? I started designing clothes for myself in secondary school and later participated in a school fashion show. I particularly re- member one piece I designed for the show. It was a low-necked spandex jumpsuit for men in- spired by Jon Bon Jovi in the 80s. I wanted a model with chest hair to wear it so the hairs would show. I was seventeen at the time so of course not many of the boys had chest hair and therefore nobody wanted to wear the suit. I ended up asking my friend who was used to modeling to wear it. He didn’t have chest hair either though, so the plan didn’t really work out. What inspires you? I am extremely curious so I like to use the design process to learn about something that sparks my interest. When I was a teenager I saw a psychologist who diagnosed me with a “washing machine brain,” in other words, a brain that never stops. I started using this “washing machine brain” of mine for a creative purpose and therefore have found an outlet for my obsessions to create unlikely connections, which become the concepts of my works. I really like working with op- posites and have used that for my last two clothing lines. “Eitur í f lösku” was inspired by find- ing the beauty in ugliness and “Sýnódísk Trópík” was inspired by finding happiness despite suf- fering from winter depression. Tell us a about your most recent clothing line. Sýnódísk Trópík is a unisex cloth- ing line and my own way of tack- ling winter depression. I focused on the print-making and was in- spired by the mix of colours and patterns when birds fly in the sky. The clothing line is dedicated to people who daydream about sun and warmth in the short winter days and run out lightly dressed as soon as the days get brighter and the snow has melted. How is it being an artist in Iceland? There are pros and cons. Mate- rials are very expensive, which makes products ex pensive. I have always admired the Icelan- dic music scene and musicians' motivation, how open they are to supporting each other and col- laborating. I’ve always dreamt of working in this kind of environ- ment as a designer and I feel like that dream might be coming true. I’ve surrounded myself with good people and I feel a lot of support, which I am very thankful for. SHARE: “the mix of colours and patterns when birds fly in the sky” Tanja Levý Words & Photo HREFNA BJÖRG GYLFADÓTTIR I C E L A N D I C R E S T A U R A N T & B A R Tasty tapas and dr inks by the o ld harbour T a b l e r e s e r v a t i o n s : + 3 5 4 5 1 7 1 8 0 0 - w w w . f o r r e t t a b a r i n n . i s Certificate of Excellence ———— 2016 ———— 1 6 -1 4 4 0 - H V ÍT A H Ú S IÐ / S ÍA We’re expecting a busy summer but you can check-in 2 1/2 hours before departure and have plenty of time for refreshments and shopping in KEF. We offer unlimited free Wi-Fi, many charging stations and a range of nice restaurants and stores. Icelandic design and quality brands tax and duty free at the Airport. YOUNG DESIGNERS
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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