Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Síða 62

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Síða 62
LÓABORATORIUM SMJÖRFLUGA Icelandic Commit- mentphobia By NANNA DÍS ÁRNADÓTTIR Hey Nanna, I finished my school term in the spring but I’d like to stay in the country. I'd need to get married, but ev- ery time I bring up the possibility with my Icelandic boyfriend I can basically see his lips glue shut. I’m tired of being the only one bringing it up and waiting for an answer. -Ready For A Ring Hey Ready For A Ring, Please consider seeking medical help for the superglue leaking into your boyfriend’s mouth. It sounds like a frightening and painful con- dition he’s suffering from. -Nanna Hey Nanna, I love that everyone knows each other in Iceland, I run into people from work or friends all the time and that’s cool but I’m not always up for a chat. Like, last week I bumped into some- one I vaguely know from the office, an acquaintance. He starts asking about when I’m moving to my new place, if I need help or whatever and then I feel obliged to ask him about, you know, his kids, the summer break, etc. The whole time I just wanted leave or blank him but I also don’t want to be rude. How do I strike that balance when I see people I don’t want to talk to? -Bad At Small Talk Hey BAST, What kind of rude bastard offers to help you move? These assholes need to cut the flap flap flap and stop wasting your precious time, clearly. And to expect you to inquire about their offspring after offering to help you with life’s most tedious undertaking, the move! I don’t believe it! I’m afraid I can’t help you avoid basic hu- man decency. You either tell them, “Hey I’m happy to see you but I’m super busy and don’t have time to talk,” and then leave, an awkward undertaking I know. Or you blank them and risk being seen as rude, which, you know, you might be. At least you sound like an asshole. So just own it. Headphones help in cases where plausible deniability is necessary. -Nanna Do you want to ask Nanna a question? Go ahead, but continue at your peril. Shoot her an email on nanna.arnadottir(at) or tweet her using @NannaArnadottir DON'T ASK NANNA ABOUT The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 15 — 2016 62 This issue’s human: Kristín Morthens , artist with Algera Studio, lives in Reykjavík and studies in Toronto. What’s the difference between joining an art scene here in Reyk- javík as opposed to Toronto? “It was very refreshing going to a new city, but not much different. When you go to big city you expect it to be overwhelming, but it’s pretty much the same. Arts scenes in general are pretty small and interconnected. After a few weeks meeting everyone, you start running into the same people over and over again. I guess that’s different than here. Here it would only be a couple of hours.” Is there a difference in what aesthetics are popular between Reykjavík and Toronto? “Toronto is a lot bigger and there are more painters. There aren’t a lot of young painters in Iceland. Also, Iceland is secluded. It doesn’t fall into international fads as quickly and does its own thing. It isn’t as influ- enced by everything else. Toronto is close to New York and the aesthetics are shared. In Iceland, for young art- ists, you have to work with what you got. There aren’t that many places to show your work. The arts scene in Toronto is more digitally influenced than the Icelandic arts scene.” Where are you going to school? “I’m studying at Ontario College Of Art And Design (OCAD) in Toronto, but this semester I’m studying at The Art Institute of Chicago as an exchange student. I came back here to show my work for a week in Reykjavík before heading back to school.” HUMANS OF REYKJAVÍK Words & Photo YORK UNDERWOOD To learn more visit our website, Study in the Land of Renewable Energy Iceland Shcool of Energy graduate programmes • MSc Sustainable Energy • MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering


Reykjavík Grapevine

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