Fréttablaðið - 08.08.2017, Blaðsíða 45

Fréttablaðið - 08.08.2017, Blaðsíða 45
ORMSSON KEFLAVÍK SÍMI 421 1535 ORMSSON ÞRISTUR-ÍSAFIRÐI SÍMI 456 4751 KS SAUÐÁRKRÓKI SÍMI 455 4500 SR BYGG SIGLUFIRÐI SÍMI 467 1559 ORMSSON AKUREYRI SÍMI 461 5000 PENNINN HÚSAVÍK SÍMI 464 1515 ORMSSON VÍK -EGILSSTÖÐUM SÍMI 4712038 ORMSSON PAN-NESKAUPSSTAÐ SÍMI 477 1900 ORMSSON ÁRVIRKINN-SELFOSSI SÍMI 480 1160 GEISLI VESTMANNAEYJUM SÍMI 481 3333 TÆKNIBORG BORGARNESI SÍMI 422 2211 BLóMSTuRvELLIR HELLISSANDI SÍMI 436 6655 OMNIS AKRANESI SÍMI 433 0300 Greiðslukjör Vaxtalaust í allt að 12 mánuði FYRIR HEIMILIN Í LANDINU LágMúLA 8 · sÍMI 530 2800 Opnunartímar: Virka daga kl. 10-18 Lokað laugardaga í sumar Netverslun nýr vefur 95 ÁRA 1922 - 2017 95 ÁRA 1922 - 2017 Á SPARIDÖGUM fást bestu kjör á flestum vöruflokkum og góð greiðslukjör. Viðskiptavinir fá á annað þúsund stór tæki afhent eða heimsend. Smærri tæki og hlutir seljast einnig í þúsundavís. Sparidagar standa næstu daga og nýjar vörur bætast við í vöruúrvalið á tímabilinu. Nýtið ykkur bestu verðin og bestu kjörin á fjölbreyttum gæðavörum ORMSSON. Tilboð Afslættir Verðlækkun 916 097 949 ÞURRKARI 7 KG. BARKALAUS Rétt verð: 99.900,- Sparidagaverð: 79.920,- 916 097 952 ÞURRKARI 8 KG. BARKARLAUS Rétt verð: 109.900,- Sparidagaverð: 87.920,- OFNAR OG HELLUBORÐ Á TILBOÐSVERÐI Þrifalegu ruslaföturnar. Margar gerðir og gott úrval lita. 914 913 410 ÞVOTTAVÉL 8 KG. 1400 SN. Rétt verð: 99.900,- Sparidagaverð: 79.920,- 914 913 404 ÞVOTTAVÉL 7 KG. 1200 SN. Rétt verð: 89.900,- Sparidagaverð: 71.920,- SPARIDAGARfyrir heimilin í landinu þvottavélar - þurrkarar - ísskápar - frystiskápar - helluborð - ofnar - hljómtæki - leikjatölvur og leikir - sjónvörp o.fl. o.fl. 20%20% BPK552220W BI Oven ADD STEAM FOR CRISPIER BAKING In addition to all your standard oven functions, the PlusSteam button in this SteamBake oven adds steam at the beginning of the baking process. The steam cooking keeps the dough moist on the surface to create a golden color and tasty crust, while the heart Perfect results with the Food Sensor Thanks to the Food Sensor of this oven you can measure the core temperature from the center of your dish during the cooking process. So you get the perfect results everytime. A self-cleaning oven With one touch of the Pyrolytic cleaning function, dirt, grease and food residue in the oven is converted into ash that you can easily wipe off with a damp cloth. More Benefits : The Soft Closing Door system ensures a smooth and soundless door closing• Hexagon timer display gives you even tighter control over the precise cooking of your dishes • Safe to Touch Top keeps the door cool and safe to touch• Features : Built-in oven• Multifunctional oven with ring heating element • Multifunctional oven with integrated steam functions • Oven cooking functions: Bottom (fs), Bottom + ring (60) + steam (40) + fan (fs), Fan + acc, Grill (40) + bottom (fs), Grill (fs), Grill + fan (fs), Ring (50) + fan + acc, Ring (70) + bottom + fan (fs), Ring + bottom + fan (fs), Ring + fan (fs), Ring + fan + evaporator (fs) • Oven cavity with 3 baking levels• Fast oven heat up function• Meat Probe• PYROLUXE® PLUS self-cleaning system, 2 cycles, with reminder function • SoftMotion™ for a smooth, silent action when closing the door • Automatic temperature proposal• Electronic temperature regulation• Electronic lock function• Electronic Child Lock safety function• Residual heat indication• Retractable knobs• Technical Specs : Product Installation : Built_In• Product Typology : BI_Oven_Electric• Product Classification : Statement• Type : Single• Installation : BI• Size : 60x60• Oven Energy : Electrical• Cooking : Fan + Ring• Cleaning top oven : Pyrolytic• Cleaning bottom oven : None• Nø of cavities : 1• Design family : Mastery Range• Main colour : White• Control Panel material : Glass• Type of doors : 4 Glasses, Baking chart with symbol• Type of handle : Metal• Door type bottom oven : None• Door hinges : Drop Down Removable, Soft closing• Drawer : No• Control lamps : Oven Regulation, Power on• Hob control : No• Left front - Hob control : None• Rear - Hob control : None• Right front - Hob control : None• Right rear - Hob control : None• Thermostat : Top• Type of timer min. : HEXAGON• Electronic Oven Control : Hexagon 5K-T.T.P.F-DS• Feature Electronics : Acoustic signal, Automatic switch off only oven, Check result, Child lock (off mode), Cleaning reminder, Count up timer, Demo mode with code, Display with Symbols, Door switch for light, Duration, Electronic temperature regulation, Electronical door lock, End Time, Evaporator, Fast heat up selectable, Food sensor, Food sensor automatic switch off, Food sensor core temperature indication, Food sensor estimation, Function lock (running mode), Minute minder, Oven light on/off selectable, PlusSteam, Pyrolytic cleaning (2 cycles), Pyrolytic • Product Description : AEG944 187 852 20% TILBOÐSVERÐ Á ÖLLUM RYKSUGUM 25% Þetta merki hefur verið hjá Ormsson í 27 ár. Það köllum við meðmæli. 25% 25% Samlokugrill Vörur frá þessum framleiðanda þykja einstaklega sterkar og endingagóðar. 25% 55” MU6175 kr. 149.900.- SPARIDAGAVERÐ: 119.900,- UHD • 4K • 8 milljón pixlar • 1300 PQI • Nýtt Smart viðmót • Quad-Core örgjörfi 49” K5515 kr. 114.900.- SPARIDAGAVERÐ: 91.900,- FHD 400 PQI • Hvítt • Smart viðmót • Quad-Core örgjörfi 55” MU6275 kr. 159.900.- SPARIDAGAVERÐ: 129.900,- UHD • 4K • Curved • 8 milljón pixlar • 1400 PQI • Nýtt Smart viðmót • Quad-Core örgjörfi 55” 49” 55” 25% RAKVÉLAR OG RAFMAGNSTANNBURSTAR Gæð smáraftæki í úrvali 25% Árgerð 2017 0 8 -0 8 -2 0 1 7 0 4 :2 6 F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 4 5 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 4 0 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 0 4 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 4 8 s _ P 0 0 9 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a ti o n P la te r e m a k e : 1 D 6 F -0 B 6 4 1 D 6 F -0 A 2 8 1 D 6 F -0 8 E C 1 D 6 F -0 7 B 0 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 3 B F B 0 4 8 s _ 7 _ 8 _ 2 0 1 7 C M Y K



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