Landshagir - 01.11.2013, Blaðsíða 143
5.1 Heyfengur og uppskera grænmetis, korns og garðávaxta 2007–2012
Production of field crops 2007–2012
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Heyfengur alls, m3#Total hay yield, m3 1.993.773 2.091.688 2.105.238 2.165.642 1.958.749 2.012.129
Þurrhey, m3#Dried hay, m3 144.491 133.829 122.187 130.084 99.997 94.747
vothey, m3#Silage, m3 … 33.438 37.875 … 51.438 61.507
votheysrúllur, m3#Big-bale silage, m3 1.849.282 1.924.421 1.945.176 2.035.558 1.807.314 1.855.875
kartöflur, tonn#Potatoes, tonnes 13.000 12.500 9.500 12.460 7.222 9.700
Rófur, tonn#Turnips, tonnes 860 872 939 833 759 1.265
Gulrætur, tonn#Carrots, tonnes 526 653 720 612 755 682
korn, tonn1#Cereal grains, tonnes1 11.246 15.413 16.881 18.670 11.150 16.170
tómatar, tonn#Tomatoes, tonnes 1.603 1.621 1.481 1.652 1.605 1.716
Gúrkur, tonn#Cucumber, tonnes 1.343 1.516 1.452 1.458 1.582 1.673
Blómkál, tonn#Cauliflower, tonnes 112 107 102 114 105 136
Hvítkál, tonn#Cabbage, tonnes 340 434 473 425 449 408
Paprika, tonn#Pepper, tonnes 147 170 177 187 229 261
kínakál, tonn#Chinese cabbage, tonnes 222 229 222 164 185 196
Sveppir, tonn#Mushroom, tonnes 515 526 553 579 583 646
1 Miðað við 14% rakainnihald.#14% moisture content.
5 Hagstofa íslands, Bændasamtök íslands, Matvælastofnun og Samband garðyrkjubænda.#Statistics Iceland, Farmers' Association of Iceland, Icelandic
food and veterinary authority and Horticulture farmers' association.
5.2 Búpeningur og heyfengur eftir landsvæðum 2012
Livestock and production of field crops by region 2012
allt Höfuð- norður- norður-
landið borgar- vestur- vest- land land austur- Suður-
Whole svæði og land firðir vestra eystra land land
country Suðurnes1 West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South
Tala búfjár#Number of livestock
nautgripir#Cattle 71.513 1.260 8.820 2.128 10.675 16.315 4.638 27.677
Mjólkurkýr#Cows 24.761 328 3.224 685 3.667 5.987 1.525 9.345
Holdakýr#Beef cows 1.719 219 207 31 410 226 33 593
kvígur#Heifers 6.775 124 774 210 984 1.660 320 2.703
Geldneyti#Steers 18.490 270 2.180 580 2.552 4.032 1.288 7.588
kálfar#Calves 19.768 319 2.435 622 3.062 4.410 1.472 7.448
Sauðfé#Sheep 476.262 4.889 80.988 45.214 106.755 76.697 79.311 82.408
Ær#Ewes 375.232 3.678 62.943 36.071 85.267 59.968 63.269 64.036
Hross#Horses 77.380 8.978 9.954 928 18.497 7.470 3.240 28.313
varphænsni#Hens 200.169 161.924 1.738 162 3.393 10.739 5.291 16.922
Svín#Pigs 3.643 1.416 593 – 16 506 13 1.099
Minkar#Mink 40.178 2.501 – – 16.360 2.145 2.260 16.912
Refir#Foxes 3 2 – – – – – –
Heyfengur#Field crops
Þurrhey m3#Dried hay m3 94.747 2.250 13.539 1.359 17.104 41.976 8.019 10.500
vothey m3#Silage m3 1.895.989 33.331 274.665 90.725 356.333 300.848 193.842 646.245
1 Capital region and Southwest.
5 Matvælastofnun.#The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.