Landshagir - 01.11.2013, Blaðsíða 325
Health and social protection
17.9 Viðtakendur fjárhagsaðstoðar sveitarfélaga eftir fjölskyldugerð 2010–2012
Household receiving municipal income support 2010–2012
Hlutfall#Percent Önnur
Höfuðborgarsvæði sveitar- fjöldi
Capital region félög, fjölsk./
Önnur >250 íb. heimila
sveitar- Other Number
félög munici- of
Other palities, families/
alls alls Reykja- munici- >250 house-
Total Total vík palities inhab. holds
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili#Families/households, total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 •
einstæðir karlar með börn#Single men with children 2,0 2,0 1,7 3,0 2,0 140
einstæðir karlar, barnlausir#Single men without children 43,6 46,2 47,9 41,2 36,4 3.016
einstæðar konur með börn#Single women with children 27,1 25,5 24,1 29,7 31,6 1.871
einstæðar konur, barnlausar#Single women without children 19,1 20,0 20,2 19,6 16,6 1.322
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn#Married/cohabiting couples with children 5,8 4,3 4,4 3,9 10,1 401
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, barnlaus#Married/cohabiting couples without children 2,3 2,0 1,7 2,7 3,3 160
fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila#Number of families/households 6.910 5.113 3.799 1.314 1.797 6.910
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili#Families/households, total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 •
einstæðir karlar með börn#Single men with children 1,9 1,8 1,6 2,1 2,5 150
einstæðir karlar, barnlausir#Single men without children 43,2 45,7 47,5 41,0 36,2 3.336
einstæðar konur með börn#Single women with children 26,8 25,5 23,4 31,2 30,3 2.066
einstæðar konur, barnlausar#Single women without children 19,5 20,6 20,9 19,6 16,6 1.506
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn#Married/cohabiting couples with children 5,9 4,0 4,5 2,8 11,1 455
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, barnlaus#Married/cohabiting couples without children 2,6 2,4 2,0 3,4 3,3 202
fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila#Number of families/households 7.715 5.705 4.155 1.550 2.010 7.715
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili#Families/households, total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 •
einstæðir karlar með börn#Single men with children 2,1 1,8 1,5 2,7 2,8 161
einstæðir karlar, barnlausir#Single men without children 43,0 45,0 45,7 43,0 37,5 3.326
einstæðar konur með börn#Single women with children 27,1 25,9 24,3 30,3 30,5 2.098
einstæðar konur, barnlausar#Single women without children 19,9 20,6 21,5 18,2 17,9 1.540
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn#Married/cohabiting couples with children 5,5 4,7 5,0 3,8 7,9 429
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, barnlaus#Married/cohabiting couples without children 2,4 2,0 2,0 2,1 3,4 182
fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila#Number of families/households 7.736 5.690 4.182 1.508 2.046 7.736