Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Page 7

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Page 7
PREFATORY NOTE V prefatory Pote. The first, tentative issue of Mimir is unavoidably marred by many imperfections. It is hoped that most of these defects and errors, with the kind aid of those whose names belong in its lists, will have disappeared in a second issue, to be made at an early day. The objects of the publication are: i. To facilitate research, in the territory which it attempts to cover, by making the labourers in the same domain known to one ! another — that the work of each may be rendered available J to all; 2. To inform the people of Iceland, on the one | hand, of the wide and encouraging interest taken by the learned of other nations in their early literature and history, | and of the valuable results of that interest; 3. To bring the foreign student of Old-Northern letters, on the other hand, into nearer relations with the only region in which the Old-Northern language is still a living speech, in which the Sagas are still household reading, and the sense and sentiment of the ancient poems are still felt, while, in other Germanic lands, the classics of the earlier periods — Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales, the Nibelungen lays and the epic story of Parsifal — have become works no longer understood of the people; 4. To promote the proper development, already happily begun, of that little nationality, a fragment of the old Teutonic world, which has kept itself


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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