Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Page 45

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Page 45
ADDRESSES 35 Johnston, Alfred Wintle, F. S. A. Scot.; 36 Margaretta Terrace, Chelsea, London. Author of “The Round Church and Earl’s Bu of Orphir, Orkney” (1903), with many references to the “Orkneyinga saga” and other Icelandic sources. Jordan, Dr. Wilhelm; poet; Taunusplatz 20, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Translator of the poetic Edda (1889). Kaalund, Dr. Kristian; keeper of the Arna-Magnsean collec- tion, University Library, Copenhagen, Denmark. Author of “Historisk-topografisk Beskrivelse af Island’^ (2 vols., 1877—1879), and of many other works and essays; compiler of “Katalog over den Arna- Magnasanske Haandskriftsamling” (2 vols., 1888—94), and of “Katalog over is- landske Haandskrifter i det store kongelige Bibliotek” (1900); editor of various Icelandic texts. Kahle, Dr. Bernhard; professor at the University, Heidelberg, Baden. Compiler of an “Altislandischcs Elementarbuch” (1900); author of “Die Sprache der Skalden” (1892), of “Islandische geistliche Dichtung des ausgehenden Mit- telalters” (1898), of“Ein Sommerfahrt auf Island” (1900), and of “Ort der Hoch- Zeit auf Island zur Sagazeit” in “Die Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Volkerkunde” (1901). Karsten, Torsten Evert; docent at the University, Helsing- fors, Finland. Author of “Studier ofver de nordiska sprakens primara nominalbildung” (2 vols. 1896—1900). Kastmann, kanslir&det Carl; Sibyllegatan 43 & 45, Stockholm, Sweden. Compiler of “Island, land och folk” (1903). Kauffmann, Dr. Friedrich; professor at the University, Kiel, Germany. Author of “Balder, Mythus und Sage” (1902), and of “Deutsche Mythologie” (latest ed. 1900), which has been translated into English by E. Steale Smith, lecturer at the Newnham College, Cambridge, under the title, “Northern Mytho- >°gy" (1903). KearY, Charles Francis; novelist, historian; 5 Montpelier Square, London, England. Author of “Mythology of the Eddas” (1882), and of “The Vikings of Western Christendom” (1890).


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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