Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Blaðsíða 14

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Blaðsíða 14
4 IN ICELAND ________ The Agricultural Society of Iceland (Bimadarfelag Islands), an organization, which has been in existence, at first under a slightly different title, since 1837, and which, of late years, has received very liberal sums from the Althing for field and garden experiments. It has a permanent fund of 30,000 crowns, while the government appropriation (1903—1904) is 20,000 crowns.— President, the Rev. Thorhallur Bjarnarson. Address: Reykjavik. The College Alumni Association (Hid islenzka Studenta- felag), composed of former members of the College, receives a yearly sum of 300 crowns from the Althing for the mainte- nance of series of public lectures.— President, Bj arni J onsson. Address: Reykjavik. The Icelandic Teachers’ Association (Hid islenzka Kenn- arafelag). Founded Febr. 23, 1889, and has for its purpose “to elevate both the lower and higher education of the Ice- landic people.” It formerly published an educational periodical, which, however, has now ceased to appear. It has a fund of 1000 crowns. Membership, 2 crowns. — President, Jon Thor- arinsson, director of the South-Icelandic High-school. Address: HafnarfjorSur. The College of Iceland (Hinn leerdi skoli), being the old cathedral schools, dating from the 12th century, of Holar and Skalholt united. They were transferred from their original seats, at the beginning of the 19th century, to Reykjavik, then to Bessastahir (1806), and finally back again to Reykjavik (1846). The course of study is six years; at the end of this period about 70 per cent of its graduating students enter the University of Copenhagen. The annual income from all sources, including that from the government, is 35,000 crowns. Library 19,000 volumes. Number of students (1902—03), 100. — Rector, Dr. Bjorn Magnusson Olsen (classics); Teachers-. Steingrimur Thorsteinsson (classics); Bjornjensson (mathematics); G e i r Zoega (English and French); Palmi Palsson (Icelandic and
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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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