Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Qupperneq 76

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Qupperneq 76
66 NOTES ON ICELANDIC MATTERS which they, as yet, felt no very ardent faith. — The lakes of Iceland are many in number, as the traveller ascertains, the largest being the l?ingvallavatn, filled with water as trans- parent as the air above it, in which swim a marvellous mul- titude of trout and other fish. On its northern shore lies the Almannagja, with the majestic cascade which falls into it, and the Pingvellir plain, including the Logberg (“Mount of the Law”), on which, for more than 800 years, the Icelandic popular assembly annually met, failing in only one or two years because of the Great Plague, or Black Death, then raging destructively in the island, or for some other similar cause. Many are the foundations still traceable of the temporary booths in which dwelt, in earlier ages, the law-making leaders of the people and their adherents. A little smaller than the Pingvallavatn is the northland’s Myvatn (“Midge Lake”), to which we have already referred, and which, too, is richly abundant in fish. It is likewise the home of a score of varieties of wild duck, who build their myriad nests on the countless islands, many of which are old craters, and on low capelets along the shore. It is the middle point of a wide field of interest, inviting many excursions. In the neighbourhood are the old volcano Krafla, the obsidian mountain, the great gorge known as the Grjotgja the northern sulphur sources and mud pools, and that grotesque lava wonder, the so-called Natt-troll, the demon of the night, who, carelessly caught outside of his hidden dwelling of dark- ness by the rising sun, was changed by its rays into this ghastly figure of stone. — Three products of the realm of nature, be- longing largely or exclusively to Iceland, deserve notice in this place. The first is the down taken from the nests of the eider- duck, and sold in many countries for cushions or bed coverlets. These ducks are provided with places for breeding purposes, i and are protected by strictly-enforced laws. A visit to one of their breeding-sites is of much interest to foreigners. The second peculiar production is the Icelandic Moss (lichen islandicus),
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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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