Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Qupperneq 19

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Qupperneq 19
i INSTITUTIONS — ADDRESSES 9 records, deposited in various archives and libraries at Copen- hagen. The archives receive an appropriation from the govern- ment, which for the year 1903 amounted to 2,775 crowns.— Archivist, Dr. Jon Thorkelsson. Address: Reykjavik. The Jon Sigur5sson Fund (Gjof Jons Sigurdssonar). A foundation for the endowment of historical, political, literary, and economic research. The original gift of Jon SigurSsson amounted to 8,500 crowns, but has since considerably increased. The direction is invested in the governor-general, acting by and with the advice of the Althing — the committee of exami- nation being (1903): Dr. Bjorn M. Olsen; the Rev. Eirlk- ur Briem; Magnus Stephensen. The Hannes Arnason Fund (StyrktarsjoSur Hannesar Arnasonar), for the encouragement of philosophical study. The income is given every sixth year to maintain a travelling scholar- ship, tenable for 4 years, to be spent at the University of Co- penhagen and at some German University. Amount of fund 1902, 53,056 crowns. The management is in the hands of the governor-general. Present stipendiary, Agust Bjarnason, M. A. The Jon Thorkelsson Fund (Thorkillii barnaskdlasjoSur). A fund for the education of children in the old Kjalarnesthing (now the south-western county, known as Kjosarsysla). Origi- nally bequeathed by Jon Thorkelsson, rector of the Skalholt Cathedral school in 1728—37, it amounts at present to 73,449 crowns. The control of it is exercised by the bishop of Iceland. II. ADDRESSES. Benediktsson, Einar; lawyer, poet, journalist; Reykjavik. Author of “Sogur og kvsedi” (1898); translator of Ibsen’s “Per Gynt” (Petur Gautur; 1901); co-editor of “Utsyn” (1892), an anthology; formerly editor of the daily “Dagskra.” Bjarnarson, the Rev. Thorhallur; lector of the Theological school; Reykjavik. Formerly editor of “Kirkjubladi3,” and translator of various theological tracts.
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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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