Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Side 39

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Side 39
 ADDRESSES sij Chastang, Dr. Leon; professor at the Naval Medical School, Bordeaux, France. Author of “Note sur l’extension de la tuberculose en Islande” (1898) in the “Archives de Medicine navale.” Coles, John, F. R. A. S.; Lillovet, Lipphook, Hampshire, Eng- land. Author of “Summer Travelling in Iceland’’ (1882). Collingwood, William Gershom, M. A.; Lanehead, Conis- ton, Lancashire, England. Co-author of “A Pilgrimage to the Saga-steads of Iceland” (1898), and co- translator of “The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald” (1903). Craigie, W. A., M. A.; 226 Iffiey Road, Oxford, England. Author of “Scandinavian Folklore” (1896), of “Gaelic words and names in the Icelandic sagas” in the “Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie” (1897), and of numerous treatises. Dahlerup, Verner; docent at the University, Copenhagen; Ole Suhrsgade 16, Copenhagen, Denmark. Editor of “Physiologus” (1889); co-editor (with Prof. Finnur Jonsson) of the first and second grammatical treatises of Snorra Edda (1886) and of a revised edition of N. M. Petersen’s “Islaendernes Fserd hjemme og ude” (4V0IS., 1901). Dareste, Dr. Rodolphe; member of the French Institute, conseiller h. la Cour de Cassation; 9 quai Malaquais, Paris (VI), France. Translator of “La Saga de Nial” (1896). De Groote, Eugene; Houthulst (Clerken), Belgium. Author of “Island” (1889), a volume of travels. Detter, Dr. Ferdinand; professor at the German LIniversity, Prague; Salmgasse 7, Prague, Bohemia. Author of “Bemerkungen zu den Eddalieder” (1891), and of several treatises; editor of “Zwei Fornaldarsogur” (1881), of “Die Lausavisur der Egilssaga” (1898), and of “Voluspa” (1899); co-editor of “Saemundar Edda” (1903). Dodge, Daniel Kilham; professor at the University of Illinois; Urbana, Illinois, United States. Author of “On a verse in the old Norse ‘Hofudlausn’ ” in “Modern Lan- guage Notes” (vol. III.). Duranti, Viscount William de; 17 rue Daubigny, Paris, France. Author of “Islandais” (1897) in the “Revue de Paris” (vol. III).


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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