Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Qupperneq 12

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Qupperneq 12
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 01 — 2017 12 The Grapevine has always been the sole media outlet in Iceland that stands against tyranny and oppression. We are a brave candle in this dark, dark land, illuminating and warming all who read our pages. Whether it’s a thought-provoking 600-word analysis of a public swimming facility or cou- rageously being the only listing ser- vice that warns you which troubadour is where, at what time and on what day, the Grapevine is here to set things straight. Some would call us heroes, but we don’t believe in titles—except the ones we give. The Reykjavík Grapevine’s “Person Of The Year Award” goes to the former Prime Minister of Iceland, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. We are here to make right a hor- rible injustice that has taken place, no doubt as the result of a secret anti- Sigmundur cabal within the walls of Iceland’s national broadcaster, RÚV. He was denied the RÚV’s Person Of The Year Award because RÚV doesn’t value a diversity of voices, in this case the voices of a vote-bot service with IP addresses located in Bangladesh. Only votes from actual tax-paying humans in Iceland count? More monocultural nationalism for Sigmundur to fight against! { Sigmundur made international head- lines for his staunch belief in a global community. He doesn’t even like to keep his money in Iceland, which, when you consider the taxes in this country, makes sense. But when Ice- landic banks needed money to lend, he had no problem using his offshore ac- count money, so long as he was guar- anteed he would be paid back, support- ing legislation to make that a reality. This is a politician, a philanthropist and a savvy businessman wrapped in one hauntingly child-like physique. Other news sources might be tempted to say: On April the 3rd 2016 the Icelandic nation watched in hor- ror as the George Soros-sponsored interviewer and most Swedish Swede in history, Sven Bergmann, asked Sig- mundur the now infamous question: “Mr. Prime Minister, what can you tell me about a company called Wintris?” Two days later, Sigmundur resigned, following the largest protest in Ice- land’s history. { What they won’t say is it was unsea- sonably warm and sunny that day. Was it really a protest or were people just out enjoying the sunshine and taking a recreational stroll from the houses Sigmundur Davíð saved for them? Think about it: If Icelanders were re- ally that pissed off about politicians having offshore accounts, why would a plurality of the country vote for the Independence Party? Anyway, what could Sigmundur Davíð tell the George Soros-lab-creat- ed clone interviewer Sven Bergmann about a company called “Wintris”? The letter “W” isn’t in the Icelandic alpha- bet and as anyone learning a language knows it’s hard to explain something that you’ve never seen. He doesn’t have time to keep track of everything. He’s a busy man. He’s lucky if he can get both shoes on in the morning. All he did was sign something that moved 1.2 billion ISK into an offshore ac- count in the British Virgin Islands. Can you truly blame a man for wanting to help his wife save some of the inheritance she so bravely sued her family to obtain? { Sigmundur Davíð, you make every- thing more interesting and awkward. You’re one of the four most popular things on our website, with the others being the national football team, vol- canic eruptions, and reminders that “No, the government will not pay you to marry an Icelander.” Some might say you’ve hit a slump, resigning as Prime Minister and losing the leader- ship of your party, but we haven’t lost faith. You’re fearless and delusionally persistent. If anyone can pull off a sur- prise comeback, it’s you. Takk fyrir síðast. Death is everywhere on New Year’s Eve. This is the time we choose to pu- rify ourselves. The death of time, the death of memories, the death of ideas. Champagne, fireworks, masks. Look to the sky and think about the things that were taken from you last year. What you were given. The failure, the defeat, the struggle. The fervour and joy, the moments of bizarre kind- ness, the brief insights into the King- dom of Love. Meet yourself in the boardroom of your mind and bring your resolution with you. Yes, yes, yes. The resolution. What a great word. A strong word, a powerful word. It has a military feel to it, fitting the occasion. It’s normal to want to kill a part of oneself during this time. Kill the smoker in you, the drinker, the rest- less poet screaming in traffic. It’s what you should do. Become a better person, they say. Become a better ver- sion of yourself. The best one possible. This is what they tell you. And to do this you need to kill yourself. You need to murder your own flawed character. The infinite limitations, vices and shortcomings that make you who you are. Yes. This is the mission. Execute yourself. Ruthlessly, spectacularly, ISIS-style. The end of you is the beginning of you. It’s the exact same thing. Religion understands this. God understands Time. … When you have successfully executed the old and flawed version of what once was known as yourself, it’s time for incorporating desirable qualities into the carcass. Your new ghost should be witty, fit for modern times. I can picture it on stage, pale and translucent, showering the audience with clever and progres- sive jokes about the end of the world. Yes, it’s the end of the liberal world and we need witty people more than ever. Once you’ve killed yourself I’m sure your 2017 phantom will have some- thing witty to say about fascism. I’d really like to hear it. The platforms are there. Now it’s time to hear it. What’s your witty take on the spectacle that was 2016? I’ll retweet it and share it and write it on a celebrity grave, my ravishing jester! Let’s see some irony in everyday life. There’s not nearly enough of it. Here’s an idea for your little zombie in the making, A Style Guide for the Con- fused and Recently Deceased Person. Get your Trump Fan Outfit on. The cap, the Trump 4 President t-shirt, the 501 Levis. Look at yourself. So fucking beautifully ironic! Haha! Now head to the next vegan restaurant. Go! Doesn’t matter a whole lot what you’re having. The vegan alt-right is here, passionate about tape recordings, border control and the environment. Place an order and sit down. Unleash your Macbook Air! Put on the headphones. Belle & Se- bastian maybe? Radiohead will work as well, Sufjan Stevens a fine option also. Draw a bit in your Moleskine while you wait. Draw something meaningless but weird. Don’t think about God and Time and Love. Now they bring you the food. Ask for mercy, just like they did in ancient times. Words: HALLDÓR ARMAND Photo: ART BICNICK Share this article: GPV.IS/DIE1 Words: YORK UNDERWOOD Share this article: GPV.IS/MOTY1 OPINION The Reykjavík Grapevine Person Of The Year Award: Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Former Prime Minister Die Before You Die For more information & bookings visit: or visit our sales desk at Harpa Concert Hall, downtown Reykjavík GOLDEN CIRCLE & GREEN ENERGY IN A MINIBUS Before we take the classic Golden Circle route we visit Hellisheiði power plant to see the usage of the geothermal engery. Maximum 18 persons in the tour. PRICE: 9.900 ISK BOOK ONLINE & GET STERNATR AVEL .COM Þ�n� ������ V�lc��i� �ra���
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