Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Qupperneq 70

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Qupperneq 70
70 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 09 — 2017 There isn’t much mystery around the job of a firefighter, nor is there room for fuss or frippery. A constant step away from the ugly side of life, they live on the edge, ready for action. They breathe life and death, daily. And some- times they do some cat rescuing, too. “There is a lot of traffic during the day,” Inspector Jóhann Viggo Jónsson tells me as he shows me around the station. “At night it’s more comfort- able, though. It’s just us and it’s a bit like a family. We don’t have to behave well unless we have guests!” He seems to be everything you would want from a man in his position. He doesn’t shy away from a joke, but he’s also calm and firm when he needs. I can eas- ily imagine his 26 years of experience come in handy in difficult situations. Ready for action Firefighters in Iceland are forwarded most help calls that reach the emer- gency line. They take care of water leaks as well as traffic accidents and broken bones. “Whatever happens people al- ways call us first,” fellow firefighter Hlynur Höskuldsson bellows from be- hind the fence of computers on his desk. Currently working as a middleman be- tween the emergency line and the of- fice, for the past sixteen years Hlynur has more often than not been down at the ambulances. “Around 80% of the job actually revolves around them,” he adds. Most nights, however, the team fo- cusses on training. “When you are in a situation of danger you stop think- ing. You do what you know,” Jóhann tells me. “So it‘s important for us to train new members as much as pos- sible and make sure their responses become automatic.” In addition to training with the ambulances and fire trucks, firefighters can take advan- tage of the machines stationed in the basements. Physicals and endurance tests are their bread and butter and after looking at Dynja Guðlaugsdóttir practicing with the hose in the park- ing lot there’s really no doubt about it. Dynja has been a firefighter for only two years but if it weren’t for her fresh face you’d never be able to tell. She pounces at the fire truck with ea- gerness and precision, rolling the hose out and running towards a tree nearby. A serpent of water bursts out aiming for the sky, tickling the top leaves of the tree before curling up on itself and falling back again. “I had been dream- ing about becoming a firefighter or a policeman since I was a little girl but it’s nothing like I thought it would be,” she explains later. “There is a lot of work to do through the ambulances. Like when a colleague and I helped a baby being born on the way to the hos- pital. That was a fun life experience!” The good and the bad Naturally, not everything is as fun as sav- ing lost kittens. To make sure workers don’t fall into a cycle of depression follow- ing particularly gruesome accidents, two psychologists work in cooperation with the station and can be reached in case of emergency. “But it’s the team itself that provides the best trauma service,” Jóhann adds paternally. “We sit here with a cup of coffee and talk together.” “It’s an extremely varied job,” Hlynur echoes. “A long time ago, before Christ- mas, there was a massive accident. Three people died. It doesn‘t happen of- ten. But then four days later we ended the shift helping a woman give birth. It’s the perfect example of the ups and downs of our job. It can start in an awful way but then it can also be great fun.” Now, that’s a night shift to remember. HOUR OF THE WOLF Extinguishing The Midnight Oil Training With Reykjavík’s Firefighters Words: Alice Demurtas Photos: Art BicnickDon’t Ask Nanna: To Say Nice Things About Iceland Words: Nanna Árnadóttir Nanna, You’re always shitting on Iceland, can’t you say something nice about it for a change? Posi-Guy Hey Posi-Guy, Let me see what I can do. [Thinks.] Sure Iceland’s cold, but at least it’s ex- pensive. Nanna Hæ Nanna! What's the best word describing Iceland for you? Best, Wordsmith Hæ Wordsmith, The word I feel most accurately de- scribes Iceland today is Costco. Best, Nanna Hi Nanna, If I want to make sure I see puf- fins on my next visit, when should I schedule my trip? Puff The Magic Puffin Hi Puff! The best time to see puffins is in the win- ter time when they snuggle up to their cliffside nests. During the summer they spend their time out at sea and you have poor visibility so it’s best to avoid Iceland around that time if puffin watching is what you’re looking for. It’s an idea also, to insist your tour guide help you catch then cut out the raw and beating heart of one of the puffins for you to eat. Other- wise they won’t respect you. Best, Nanna Don't email Nanna: Don't tweet at: @NannaArnadottir To Inspector Jóhann Viggo Jónsson, endurance is key. Train in the gym but be ready for action. Constant training is essential. Dynja Guðlaugsdóttir practices with a hose with her colleagues. "When there is a fire we need to be able to act as quickly as we can," Jóhann explains. West-Iceland
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