Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Side 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Side 6
Beleaguered budget airline WOW Air has been completely bought out by Icelandair Group, Viðskiptablaðið reports. The board of Icelandair Group bought every share in WOW Air, pend- ing approval from Icelandair share- holders and the Icelandic Competition Authority. “WOW Air has built up a strong brand over the years, and accom- plished a lot under that brand, to and from Iceland over the Atlantic Ocean,” acting director of Icelandair Group Bogi Nils Bogason said in a statement. “It’s a great opportunity for earnings, but the airline will continue to operate under its own initiative and under its own brand.” Paid in shares MBL reports that WOW Air’s value is currently 2.1 billion ISK; roughly just over 17 million USD. With this buyout, WOW Air owners will now own a 5.4% share of Icelandair Group, as WOW Air was bought entirely with shares in Icelandair Group. The buyers are obliged to hold onto some of these shares for at least six months, and the remainder for 12 months total. Skúli Mogensen, the director and founder of WOW Air, said he was “very proud of our accomplishments and what we have built in recent years,” saying that the buyout represents a “new chapter” for the airline to grow and expand its reach. Cornering the market Indeed, their combined share of air traffic to and from Iceland is nearly 80%, with the buyout giving Icelandair Group control of the vast majority of flights to and from Iceland. As reported, WOW Air has struggled with significant financial losses, even while growing its market share. With the combination of the two airlines, WOW Air could add more destinations to its roster with the help of Icelandair’s resources. The rule in Iceland before 1990 was basically this: If it’s good, it’s prob- ably banned. For example, beer was banned until 1989. It didn’t change the fact that Iceland- ers were free to get shitfaced on undrinkable hard liquor. But the government thought that beer would really screw up the nation and we would end up as useless drunks should it ever be legalised. The government had an even more sinister take on candy. There were strict rules about import- ing sweets to Iceland until the 80s. The result was that baby boom- ers thought that oranges and apples were candy, not disgusting fruits. But the candy pio- neers had a trick up their sleeve — the “biscuit” Prince Polo. Known colloqui- ally as “Prins Póló,” this fairly basic chocolate bar hails from the beautiful nation of in Poland, and first hit the shelves there in 1955. That same year, Iceland made a trade deal with Poland, wherein they got our fish, and well, we got whatever we hadn’t already banned from being import- ed to the country. This was obviously a complicated task. Although Iceland- ers would have appreciated the tasty Polish beer Żywiec, we needed to find something Icelanders were interested in buy- ing. The wholesaler, Ásbjörn Ólafsson, found out that Prince Polo was not only a chocolate, but also a biscuit — a clever move that allowed him to circumvent the rules of the fun po- lice in government. His scheme worked. The “biscuit” was a smash hit and still is. In the year 2014 the average Icelander ate half a kilo of these sweet rebellious suckers. VG Icelandair Group To Buy Out WOW Air Combined, they control nearly 80% of the market share Words: Andie Fontaine Photo: WOW Air First The type of telescope used depends on the type of wavelength it would be observing. In case of optical or near infrared telescopes, Iceland is not a good location. For infrared telescopes, you would want high mountains to get above as much of the atmosphere as possible. You would also want clear skies and dark nights, with a stable atmosphere. Even though the nights are dark and long in Iceland, the sky is often over- cast and the atmosphere is not sta- ble. Our mountains are also not very tall and many are active volcanoes. A better wavelength for Iceland would be radio or millimeter. The atmosphere is mostly transparent in these wavelengths and observa- tions are not impeded by sunlight or cloud cover. However, in that case, Iceland is not any more special than other countries. The geological ac- tivity of Iceland is also not helpful for telescope arrays that need a consistent location to be efficient. There is some benefit in the sparse population, because human activi- ties hinder observations in the radio band. These arrays also produce a lot of data that has to be processed using large computer farms. Iceland may have a beneficial location in re- lation to cooling costs due to the cooler climates in comparison to warmer places. Ultimately, building an array of telescopes is expensive and so is their maintenance. It would be pos- sible to seek external funding for a well-defined project that benefited from being located in Iceland, but at the moment there are no such pro- jects. ASK A Physicist Q: Why are there no tele- scope arrays in Iceland? 6 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 20— 2018 FOOD OF ICELAND NEWS Pr in s Pó ló WOW Air director and founder Skúli Mogensen Words: Mulan/Guðlaugur Jóhannesson Photo: Kristinn Ingvarsson VOLCANO & EARTHQUAKE EXHIBITION More info and tickets Open every day 9:00 - 19:00


Reykjavík Grapevine

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