Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Síða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Síða 20
20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 20— 2018 Five years ago, Kælan Mikla were playing twenty minute sets of furi- ous poetry-punk in the attic at Dillon. Five months ago, they were jetting off to London to open for Placebo, at the request of iconic Cure frontman Robert Smith. In the years between, Laufey Soffía (vocals), Margrét Rósa Dóru-Harrýsdóttir (bass) and Sólveig Matthildur Kristjánsdóttir (synthe- sisers) have genuinely grown up in tandem with their band, evolving from angst-filled teenagers with a need to scream, to ambitious and hard-working musicians. In the last year, they have exploded into the worldwide coldwave and goth music scene, and their dark star is poised to keep burning. SHAPING POETICS Kælan Mikla began around six years ago, when the girls met in high school at Reykjavík’s Menntaskóli við Hamrahlíð college. Sólveig and Margrét had recently become friends, when saw a poster announcing a poetry competition. They decided to combine Sólveig’s poetic prow- ess with Margrét’s burgeoning bass playing abilities and asked Laufey to join them to enter the contest as a performance piece. “We went to my father’s practice studio and we were just hanging there the whole night trying out different instruments,” says Margrét. “Laufey started like scream-singing. She had never sung before. I had only played bass alone in my bedroom when I was totally emo. Sólveig was a classical flute player and she just started to play the drums. It was just all very random. It was just supposed to be for this one competition. But then we won the competition.” “Then some other people were interested in hearing more,” Sólveig continues. “They were asking if we were a band, asking if we had more music. And we were like, ‘Sure, let’s just make some more music. Why not? It’s fun.’ So we did.” The three quickly wrote a hand- ful of songs that they performed at a performance art event called Vinnslan, where they decorated an entire basement with ocean junk they salvaged from the harbour, dressed as creepy mermaids, and sold a dead fish as merch for five hundred kronur. “Some old ladies came in when we were playing and they were like, ‘Ew, what is that? This stinks!’” Margrét says, as the band laughs. “It smelled disgusting.” MYSTICAL POWERS By this point, they were already known as Kælan Mikla, the name they’d chosen to enter the poetry competition. “Sólveig and I were sitting at the bar and we were like, ‘It would be funny to name a band after a Moomin!’” says Laufey. They opted for Kælan Mikla—the Icelandic name for The Lady of the Cold—and it just stuck. “It was just a joke,” smiles Laufey. “Sometimes I look at our name on posters and I laugh.” The joke somehow took on its own life force, however, being both a source of inspiration and a harbin- ger of their future sound. “She’s so fierce and such a dreamy character, with the star shoes and the flying ice horse, and she’s still so evil,” says Margrét. “If you look into her eyes, you freeze. She is this super feminine cold, kind of evil, mystical power. We always say that when the three of us are together, we create Kælan Mikla as a character.” They channel this combined feeling of mystical ferocity into their performances—a feeling, they say, that they don’t get in day-to- day life. RITUAL SPELLS The three can only describe this conjoined character as some power- ful force; a feeling, a connection, or a sense of telepathic interaction. “It’s kind of like having a conversation, or going through feelings that are only in your mind, and you don’t have to say anything,” says Margrét. “It’s like having a conversation with both Sólveig and Laufey for the hour we play our set. It sounds really lame, but it’s like our soul.” “Sometimes I don’t even remem- ber playing a set because I’m so deep in Kælan Mikla,” says Laufey. “I think we sometimes fall out of reality completely. I just forget where I am, and I’m just putting spells on the audi- ence.” Their live performances feature ritualistic, slightly improvised intros and outros that incorporate dron- ing bass, vocalized wails and screams, incense and glitter, and physical move- ment. The intros allow them to sink into character, setting the scene and welcoming the audience, while the outro (always playing the song “Glim- mer og Aska,” or “Glitter and Ashes”) allows them to fully exorcise the feel- ings of the performance, thank the audience, and leave Kælan Mikla in the ether. GOING SYNTHETIC “I think the name worked out really well, because now we’re suddenly in this coldwave genre,” says Sólveig, segueing towards the band’s shift from performance art poetry-punk to sleek synth-driven dark wave. “It’s accidental. It really started when my ex-boyfriend gave me a synthesiser, like a crappy synth that he wasn’t using. Then I got a drum machine and learned how to make just super basic beats. Later on, I started studying elec- tronic music and started incorporating computer production.” Like many of the original goth stars—like Siouxsie Sioux, Christian Death, and Joy Division—Kælan Mikla’s sound and style wasn’t a calculated choice, but rather the natural outcome of their genuine artistic labour. “The music we started making was never planned, it happened on its own,” says Margrét. “It’s just what happened when we suddenly got a synthesiser.” This shift in sound was quickly noticed in the local music scene, pull- ing in larger crowds to their entranc- ing ritualistic performances. “I think we just got so good at playing,” says Laufey. “We didn’t know what we were doing at first, but we always know better and better how to make music.” RANKING UP With the addition of synths to their roster, they wrote the songs “Kalt,” “Sýnir” and “Óráð,” the first of which they released a video for made by Berlin-based videographers Orange ‘Ear. The video, released in 2015, opened a floodgate of good fortune. “Suddenly, Fabrika Records found the song and asked if they could have it on their vinyl compilation,” says Sólveig. “We had been listening to the bands on their label—Lebanon Hanover, She Past Away and Selofan—so we just freaked out. I was always playing them when I was working at Bravó. Then, a month later, we asked if they would be inter- ested in releasing our album.” The label liked the songs and imme- diately said yes. The band, however, delayed the recording process quite a bit. “We did it super Kælan Mikla- style and recorded everything in one month,” Sólveig laughs. “They were like, ‘We need the material’ and we were like, ‘Oh, fuck we need to record the songs!’” They recorded the self-titled debut album in the garage Sólveig was living in at the time, behind the shop Mótorsmiðjan. Finally complete, the album came out in 2016. VOYAGE VOYAGE Around the same time that the band were contacted by Fabrika Records, Sólveig realised she had a knack for booking shows abroad, and the band started to tour. “We just rented cars from somewhere and got a friend to drive, and we did it super DIY,” says Sólveig. “I think we got a lot of atten- tion by travelling, because it’s maybe not usual that small Icelandic bands go on tours. I think that really helped us.” Over the course of two years, she organised three self-managed tours. They took a toll on the band, and taught them some valuable lessons, moving them ever closer to the ultimate goal of growing through performance. “Those “W e di dn ’t kn ow w ha t w e w er e do in g at fi rs t, bu t w e al w ay s kn ow b et te r an d be tt er h ow to m ak e m us ic .”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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