Neyslukönnun - 01.07.1993, Page 32

Neyslukönnun - 01.07.1993, Page 32
30 Neyslukönnun 1990 Tafla V. Meðalneysla á heimili á ári eftir atvinnu aðalfyrirvinnu í neyslukönnun 1990 (frh.) Table V. Average household expenditure peryear by occupation ofmain income earner in the 1990 expenditure survey (cont.) Verðlag í desember 1990, krónur Prices in December 1990, ISK Kjömir fulltrúar, embættismenn, stjómendur og sérfræðingar Elected representatives, senior officials, managers and Versl.-, skrifstofufólk og aðstoðarm. sérfr. Shop assistants, salespersons, clerks and assistants to Iðnaðarmenn Craft and related trades Fiskimenn, bændur og verkafólk Fishermen, farmers, skilled and unskilled factory, fishery and other Allir professionals professionals workers workers All households 8 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta 497.783 406.014 427.182 308.970 382.592 81 Snyrtivörur og snyrting 61.741 62.205 67.309 50.743 57.577 82 Ferðavörur, úr og skartgripir 16.514 20.957 17.136 15.256 16.458 83 Veitingahúsa- og hótelþjónusta 244.947 181.086 143.620 123.014 165.627 84 Tryggingar, ekki lögbundnar 30.349 27.331 65.169 18.765 27.406 85 Önnur þjónusta ó 34.274 28.571 36.806 28.587 30.022 86 Önnur útgjöld 109.958 85.864 97.142 72.605 85.501 AIIs 2.811.685 2.271.187 2.756.962 2.139.077 2.385.419 Fjöldi heimila 179 162 124 195 790 Fjöldi í heimili 3,65 3,22 4,00 3,93 3,63 þar af böm 1,56 1,28 1,81 1,74 1,54 Upplýsingar um atvinnu vantar fyrir 94 heimili auk þess sem 34 heimili reyndust ekki á vinnumarkaði. There is no employment information on 94 households and 34 households were not on the labour market Neyslukönnun 1990 31 Kjömir fulltrúar, embættismenn, stjómendur og sérfræðingar Elected representatives, senior officials, managers and Versl.-, skrifstofufólk og aðstoðarm. sérfr. Shop assistants, salespersons, clerks and assistants to Iðnaðarmenn Craft and related trades Fiskimenn, bændur og verkafólk Fishermen, farmers, skilled and unskilled factory, fishery and other Allir Hlutfall Per cent professionals professionals workers workers All households 17,7 17,9 15,5 14,4 16,0 8 Other goods and services 2,2 2,7 2,4 2,4 2,4 81 Toilet atricles and personal care 0,6 0,9 0,6 0,7 0,7 82 Travel goods, watches and jewellery Restaur., hotels, vacation, 8,7 8,0 5,2 5,8 6,9 83 package tours 1,1 1,2 2,4 0,9 1,1 84 lnsurance 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 85 Other services 3,9 3,8 3,5 3,4 3,6 86 Other expenses 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total 179 162 124 195 790 Number of households 3,65 3,22 4,00 3,93 3,63 Number ofpersons per household 1,56 1,28 1,81 1,74 1,54 thereof children



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