Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Side 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Side 36
Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores A Huge, Awesome Experiment Listastofan closes its doors after four successful years Words: Phil Uwe Widiger Photo: Julie Rowland Exhibition Listastofan’s final exhibition WE RUINED EVERYTHING opens September 6th. The goodbye party will be held at Iðnó on September 19th. “If there is one thing I could say about Listastofan, it would be that it was one huge, awesome experi- ment,” says Martyna Daniel of the four years in which the artist-run gallery has gone from a simple art studio to a vibrant art space with regular exhibitions, workshops, live drawings, readings and con- certs. Once upon a time in Reykjavík “I almost feel everything hap- pened by accident,” Martyna laughs. Initially, the space was thought as a simple art studio. But life had different plans. “We were overwhelmed with requests for sort of everything,” says Marty- na. “I think a reason why it was so easy to find people to rent desks with us was because there was no direct competition to a place like this then. It sort of escalated from there.” Killing the baby With Listastofan becoming a full success, the decision to close was not made overnight. “Things hap- pened organically,” explains Martyna. “The co-directors have also moved on to other pro- jects. In a few days I'm turning 30 and I am a bit sensitive to symbolic dates. What do I want to do in my thirties? The answer is: not Listastofan.” Instead, Martyna wants to fo- cus on filmmaking, which she has studied and which is what brought her to Iceland initially. And she wants to go back to experiment- ing. “That's one of the reasons why I feel like it's time to close Listastofan — the experimental phase is over. It works and we've proven that. Now we kill our baby.” Be young and shut up From the very beginning, Listast- ofan had its own slogan—“Be Young and Shut Up”—advertising the arrogant attitude of adoles- cence. And it’s farewell exhibition, WE RUINED EVERYTHING, is the epitome of this. “It’s like a loud teenage scream for attention,” Martyna laughs. “It’s pretty much the essence of Listastofan.” The exhibition features both Icelandic and foreign artists, another of Listastofan’s trade- marks, and is a humorous take on the theme of destruction. “When I started telling people that we were going to close there was a lot of whining, a lot of sadness,” remembers the co-founder. “The last exhibition had to make fun of all these interactions. Well, yeah, I ruined everything, sorry!” Going out with a bang Listastofan will officially close with a goodbye party at Iðnó, fea- turing music and art, speeches, and some other surprises. “There will be a symbolic pack down of our exhibition and then we'll physic a l ly move everybody to Iðnó and have a mas- sive party there,” Martyna explains. “W hether it 's in Listastofan, Iðnó or new spaces opening all over town, it re- ally doesn't matter as long as you can show what you are doing and work together. I don’t really feel like we are closing anything.” In fact, a project group for Listastofan’s successor has al- ready been founded. The Grape- vine reached out for an exclusive statement: “The space will be taken over following the work- er cooperative model, a novelty in Iceland, and will continue to offer desks for artists to rent up- stairs. What used to be the exhi- bition area will go through some renovations and will gradually be open for events and workshops, with the long-term goal of being turned into a café.” Art “The experimen- tal phase is over. It works and we've proven that. Now we kill our baby.” Art so powerful the crowd spills into the street i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 22 August - 12 October 2019 Late Summer Show MARGRÉT H. BLÖNDAL ÁSGERÐUR BÚADÓTTIR EYBORG GUÐMUNDSDÓTTIR KRISTÍN JÓNSDÓTTIR frá MUNKAÞVERÁ ARNA ÓTTARSDÓTTIR RAGNA RÓBERTSDÓTTIR KARIN SANDER JÚLÍANA SVEINSDÓTTIR VISIT KÓPAVOGUR CULTURE HOUSES AND EXPERIENCE LOTʼS OF TINY PEOPLE 19.09.19–05.01.20 & MENNINGARHUSIN. K O P A V O G U R . I S Hamraborg 4–6(Kópavogur Bus 1,)2,)4,)28,)35 & 36 G er ða rs af n( Kó pa vo gu r A rt M us eu m Sa lu rin n( C on ce rt H al l ENJOY JAZZ, POP AND CLASSICAL MUSIC & MORE Náttúrufræðistofa Kópavogs(Natural History Museum of Kópavogur Bókasafn Kópavogs(Kópavogur Public Library


Reykjavík Grapevine

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