Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 4
What Are Icelanders Talkin" About? News and views in the Icelandic discourse Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Photos: Adobe Stock & Art Bicnick The biggest story in Iceland right now is the “second wave” of the coronavi- rus in Iceland. No one doubts that there has been a resurgence of the virus in this country; the point of contention is who is to blame: tourists or locals. On the one hand, there are folks pointing out that since opening the borders a bit more last June, cases have gone up. On the other hand, there are folks pointing out that every new instance of the coronavirus that we know about has been attributed to Icelandic residents either skip- ping re-entry recommendations or eschewing our health guidelines. One question that has still gone unanswered in all the talk about closing the borders again is: until when? Until a vaccine is available? Until the virus disappears from the face of the earth? No one seems to have a workable solution, especially as schools are due to open again soon. For now, the best bet is to continue social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands. One of the most controversial transportation issues in the greater Reykjavík area is Borgarlínan (The city line), a proposed bus rapid transport system that has been in the works for many years now and has changed permutations several times. The area of conflict revolves around what effects such a proposed system would have. Car culture is very prominent in Iceland—Statistics Iceland’s data shows there are about 250,000 cars in this country of just over 360,000 people—and many of these car owners fear that Borgarlínan would take away their precious parking spaces and traffic lanes. At the same time, there are folks who correctly point out that if Icelanders had more transporta- tion options with better service, people would probably rely on cars less. When Borgarlínan will go into effect still remains to be seen. Opinions are also divided when it comes to the idea of combining the Reykjavík area towns into one big city. A recent poll showed that most capital area residents support merging at least some of these towns, with the greatest level of support coming from Reykjavík, and in favour of merging all of them together, and merging Selt- jarnarnes and Reykjavík having the second highest level of support. The most opposition to any merg- ing notions came from residents of both Seltjarnarnes and Mosfells- bær. Were a total merge to happen, there would then be one city in Iceland comprising more than two thirds of the total population. For scale, just imagine if the popula- tion of the US remained the same, with one city populated by some 230 million people. 4The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06— 2020First NEWS Grapevine artist's rendition of the city line Published by Fröken ehf. Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík Member of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association Printed by Landsprent ehf. in 20,000 copies. PUBLISHER Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson +354 540 3601 EDITOR!IN!CHIEF Valur Grettisson ART DIRECTOR Sveinbjörn Pálsson NEWS EDITOR Andie Sophia Fontaine CULTURE EDITOR Hannah Jane Cohen PHOTO EDITOR Art Bicnick LISTINGS DIRECTOR Hannah Jane Cohen COPY EDITOR Catharine Fulton ILLUSTRATIONS Elín Elísabet INTERN Catherine Magnúsdóttir Sam O'Donnell Poppy Askham Nico Borbely CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Shruthi Basappa PHOTOGRAPHERS Sigurgeir S. Xim Izquierdo SALES DIRECTORS A"alsteinn Jörundsson Helgi %ór Har"arson CONTACT US: —» Editorial +354 540 3600 —» Advertising 354 540 3605 —» Distribution & Subscriptions +354 540 3604 distribution@ —» Press releases —» General Inquiries FOUNDERS Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson, Hör"ur Kristbjörnsson, Jón Trausti Sigur"arson, Oddur Óskar Kjartansson, Valur Gunnarsson The Reykjavík Grapevine is published 21 times a year by Fröken ltd. Monthly from December through February, and fortnightly from March til October. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publishers. The Reykjavík Grapevine is distributed around Reykjavík, Akureyri, Egilssta!ir, Sey!isfjör!ur, Borgarnes, Keflavík, Ísafjör!ur and at key locations along road #1, and all major tourist attractions and tourist information centres in the country. You may not like it, but at least it's not sponsored (no articles in the Reykjavík Grapevine are pay-for articles. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own, not the advertisers’). Ví"ir Reynisson, corona hunter THE HOME OF ICELANDIC SEAFOOD AND LAMB APOTEK Kitchen+Bar is a casual-smart restaurant located in one of Reykjavíks most historical buildings. We specialize in fresh seafood and local ingredients prepared with a modern twist. APOTEK KITCHEN+BAR Austurstræti 16 101 Reykjavík


Reykjavík Grapevine

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