Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 29

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 29
A Day In The 900 Food, folks, and fulmars in the Westman Islands In a country already known for its iso- lation and dazzling nature, the West- man Islands (Vestmannaeyjar) still manage to feel especially far-flung. The archipelago shines bright under its green summer cloak, while grey sea- birds called fulmars twirl and dance effortlessly through the gale, some of them soaring right alongside the ferry, which journeys daily from Landey- jahöfn to Heimaey, the largest island and home to the Westmans’ only town. On the final approach to the har- bour, the bright greens contrast stark- ly with the vibrant coppery and tawny browns of the cliffs flanking the har- bour. My travel companion, Grapevine photographer Art Bicnick, has been to Heimaey numerous times and puts it quite aptly: “When the sun is out here, it looks like somewhere in the Carib- bean.” Lunch & learning After the early morning, two-hour drive and forty-minute ferry ride to reach Heimaey, a good, substantial lunch is in order. Enter Gott. One of the Islands’ best-known eateries, its owners make all sauces, stews, soups, bread, and cakes on site from local in- gredients with great care. The cauli- flower burger makes for a filling, but refreshing lunch, stuffed with a mix- ture of cauliflower, avocado, quinoa, and tomatoes, held together with fluffy mashed sweet potatoes and served with a side of small potatoes baked to absolute perfection. With body and mind reenergized, it’s off to the Sagnheimar Folk Muse- um, which features exhibits on many surprising and peculiar episodes of the Islands’ history: for example, the importance of the annual festival, its 1627 invasion by Ottoman pirates, its numerous inhabitants who converted to Mormonism and emigrated to Utah, puffin hunting traditions of yore (now largely abandoned), the 1973 eruption that saw the evacuation of all island- ers for several months, and the numer- ous locals who represented Iceland in the 1936 Olympics. Museum cura- tor Hör!ur Baldvinsson gestures to a notebook on the wall belonging to one of the athletes, filled with handwritten notes on its pages. “[He] was friends with Jesse Owens, who left him a note in this memory book of his,” he ex- plains. “We got it from his family.” Puffins & plant-based After having amply experienced the is- land’s gastronomy and history, it’s time for some nature as a digestif. Thielittle peninsula of Stórhöf!i winds outward from Heimaey’s southern tip in a sinu- ous semicircle, and is home to vibrant seabird colonies. Fulmars, kittiwakes, guillemots, Iceland gulls, and gannets all nest in great numbers here, but of course the Atlantic puffins, whose larg- est colony in the world can be found on this island, are the stars of the show. They flutter swiftly in all directions, propelling themselves with continuous beats of their long, skinny wings, fer- rying catches of eels in their dazzlingly multicolored bills back and forth to their burrows to feed their young, who according to Hör!ur, will probably be fledging in the next week or so. While the puffins relish their catch, we instead opt for mid-afternoon drinks at the Brothers Brewery. A wide selection of beers is on offer, with something on the menu for all tastes, from fruity IPAs to hearty lagers. One of the most notable drinks on the menu is the Óskar imperial stout, a strong brew with a hint of almond that gives it an almost coffee-like taste, the lat- est in a long-running series of annual house brews named after local sailors. The day ends with dinner at Éta, a burger restaurant newly opened by the owner of Slippurinn just across the street. Boasting a crisply cooked bean patty topped with generous quanti- ties of pickled onions, served along- side cauliflower buffalo wings cooked to perfection, the vegan burger combo makes for a satisfying, filling, and deli- cious end to the day. 29The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06— 2020 Words: Nico Borbely Photos: Art Bicnick Guide Walter Mitty could never "[Puffins] flutter swiftly in all di- rections, propel- ling themselves with continuous beats of their long, skinny wings.” Travel distance from Reykjavík: 150 km Car provided by: ! Ferry provided by:


Reykjavík Grapevine

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