Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 26
Workin# Class Artist Wiola Ujazdowska uses her voice to level criticism at the treatment of immigrants in Iceland Words: Sam O’Donnell Photo: Provided by subject Wiola Ujazdowska was born in the Polish city of Toru#, where she studied art history and painting. In 2014, she accepted an intern- ship with the Living Art Museum and moved to Iceland. Since then, she has been active in the art scene here, engaging in a number of dif- ferent projects. These days she focuses on vid- eo, performance and installation rather than painting. Her inspi- rations and mentors are perfor- mance artists, namely Joseph Beuys and Mierle Laderman Uke- les. Inspirations Joseph Beuys was a firm believer that everyone is an artist. He said his greatest work as an artist was education, and Wiola sees him as a mentor. “His works definitely had a huge impact on me,” she says. Mierle Laderman Ukeles was a New York based artist who cre- ated the idea of maintenance art. She worked as a janitor, cleaning museums in New York City. As a working wife and mother, she didn’t have time to create art in a conventional sense, so she made these household actions an art. “Her works have influenced me to focus on working-class immi- grants and people who are usually invisible for art and society in gen- eral,” Wiola says. Perhaps the biggest impact Mierle’s work has had on Wiola is ‘Touch Sanitation,’ a milestone of performance art in which she met over 8,500 employees of the New York Sanitation department, shaking hands with each of them and saying “Thank you for keeping New York City alive.” The Scandinavian Dream This focus on the working class spoke directly to Wiola, and in- spired her to make performance art. In June, she did a performance at the Reykjavík City Library where she vacuumed up the words “Scandina- vian Dream.” She says that this is a com ment a r y on how Iceland treats the working class. “There is this idea that Scandinavia is seen as this egalitarian kind of utopia for many people,” she says. “But the truth is that it’s not so col- ourful and it’s not a dream. There is a lot of xenophobia and inequal- ity.” Her own history is something that draws her to this topic. “I’m actually the first person in my family to have a higher education,” she says. Her parents and the people she grew up with were all working class. She has experience as a housekeeper, which she feels is integral to the tone of her art. “Often the voice of other groups is not heard, and very often the art world doesn’t want to hear it.” Recent and upcoming stuff In September, she will be involved in an exhibition called Common Ground, which features Icelan- dic artists, as well as Polish and Lithuanian artists living in Ice- land. She will be displaying art- work that is inspired by the fire on Bræ!raborgarstígur. “It shows that there are some spots in the system that allow for people to be used, especially foreign and tem- porary workers,” she says. From now until the 24th of August, she is in the eastern part of t he cou nt r y, working as a pro- ducer-slash-cura- tor-slash-artist of the VOR/WIOSNA festival featuring ar t from Polish people l iv ing in Iceland. The festi- val doesn’t feature art from Poles in Poland. “We pres- ent and promote and talk about Polish minorities here because I think it’s different circumstances.” Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android storesArt “Often the voice of other groups is not heard, and very often the art world doesn’t want to hear it.” "There is this idea that Scandinavia is seen as this egalitarian kind of utopia..." i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 Editions & Multiples @i8gallery VISIT !ÓPAVO"#$ C#LT#$E HO#SES AND EXPERIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM % ART MUSEUM % PUBLIC LIBRARY % CONCERT HALL % MORE CULTUREHOUSES.IS Hamraborg 4–6&Kópavogur Bus 1,'2,'4,'28,'35 & 36


Reykjavík Grapevine

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