Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 32

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 32
32The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06— 2020 Flip The Switch On Those Sexy Lamps 'órey Mjallhvít Ómarsdóttir and Dö!! Mósesdóttir on their new web series “Sköp” Words: Catherine Magnúsdóttir Images: Art Bicnick & Provided by Sköp “Sexy Lamp”: a female character that is so unimportant to the plot that she could easily be replaced by a curvy lamp carried off by the manly man hero instead. Another cliché trope? “Man Pain”, where the male protagonist tragically loses the woman in his life to provide him with motivation for his revenge quest. These cliché tropes can be found in everything from indie flicks to blockbusters and are now up for dissection in a new web-series entitled “Sköp” by "órey Mjallhvít Ómarsdóttir and Dögg Mósesdóttir. The slopes of tropes "órey and Dögg co-founded the production company Freyja Film- work, which has brought out works like Tinna Hrafnsdóttir’s short film ‘Munda’ and their own doc- umentary “Höfundur ó$ekktur / Author unknown,” which is about women and music in Iceland. “Sköp” is Freyja’s first animated series and features "órey and Dögg as cartoon versions of themselves, tackling gender tropes, clichés and stereotypes in movies and TV. “I think it’s a worthy pursuit. It’s funny and it’s needed to open up this discussion,” "órey says. “I think that for budding filmmakers or anybody who’s in the creative business, being aware of these things is essential. You cannot just leave people to just pretend that they’re not responsible for the stuff that they create.” Usually one has to search the depths of the internet before com- ing across content that investi- gates the slippery slopes of cine- matic tropes. It’s niche—you have to know exactly where to look for it and even then, it’s usually just video essays between 15 minutes and an hour in length, which can be fun and interesting, especially if the viewer is already into the topic, but there are hardly any co- medic bite-size clips. "órey though, with ‘Sköp’, hopes to make the discussion a bit more graspable and maybe less dry. “Gender discussion doesn’t have to be super-serious and un- inviting. It can just be something where you kind of go: ‘Oh wow I didn’t realize that!’ and nobody feels threatened in the process,” she says. “Why haven’t I heard about this?” The idea behind the web-series ac- tually came to the two creators in a casual discussion about a movie, where the term “Man Pain” was brought up by "órey. “[It was] basically, almost ex- actly like it was in the first epi- sode,” Dögg remarks. "I mean I thought I knew a lot about gen- der issues in film because I was a president of Women in Film and Television in Iceland for six years and I’d been to lectures all over the world. I had heard all kinds of con- cepts around this and I thought 'Why haven’t I heard about this [‘Man Pain’] and all these tropes?'" And given that "órey is an ani- mator, the two decided to follow in the cartoon-style footsteps of artists like Alison Bechdel and have their animated counterparts dis- cuss film and TV tropes. More “Man Pain” The duo also provides the dubbing for their characters in Icelandic and English. They have also received help from an actress for a Norwe- gian version and are very open to the idea of more dubs in the future. But right now, it’s all about funding the series to ensure it continues and hopefully securing partner- ship and distribution opportuni- ties along the way. Dögg and "órey emphasise that they want the series to remain free though. They’re en- tertaining various ideas for pro- moting the series—one idea is to screen an episode before movies in the theatre—but Patreon is currently the best way for fans to support the show. The creators can be found and supported under the username Sköp there, where it’s possible for supporters to donate in order to unlock new content, get stickers and of course make the web series production possible. And even though the dreaded YouTube algorithm poses a con- stant threat of swallowing up con- tent like theirs—especially since the project’s still at an early stage— Dögg and "órey see the value in their work and already have lots of ideas for future episodes. For example, the “Born Sexy” trope: a woman with no knowledge of the world but a sexy bod, whom the hero can protect but also pur- sue. Or the “Buffoon Husband,” a more or less lovable bumbling idiot who often has to be parented by his wife as much as their children. That said, the next planned epi- sode is about “Women In Refrigera- tors”, those female characters who are considered disposable and of- ten get killed in a gruesome way to provide drama—usually for more "Man Pain." Dögg hopes the series will pro- vide more opportunity to open up a conversation about these topics. “It’s kind of our [contribution] to a healthier film industry I guess,” she concludes, “and for a healthier representation of women. That’s nice to leave behind.” Film !.""# kr. ! COURSE TASTING MENU ICELANDIC JOURNEY WE START WITH A REFRESHING SHOT OF ICELANDIC “BRENNIVÍN“ SMOKED PUFFIN with a 64° Reykjavík Distillery crowberry liqueur sauce MINKE WHALE, smoky celeriac puree, “malt” sauce TRADITIONAL ICELANDIC “FLATKAKA“, lightly cured arctic char, cream cheese, dill, lemon oil HORSE CARPACCIO dates, rucola-mayo, crispy Jerusalem artichokes, parmesan LING, mashed potatoes, caper flowers, Dijon-butter sauce ICELANDIC LAMB RUMP STEAK,parma ham & herb crumble, mashed potatoes SKYR PAVLOVA,meringue, skyr cream, blackberry jam, raspberry coulis, red velvet short cake SÆTA SVÍNI! / Hafnarstræti 1-3 / Tel. 555 2900 / ICELANDIC GASTROPUB $órey and Dögg in non-animated form $órey and Dögg in animated form


Reykjavík Grapevine

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