Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2020, Blaðsíða 8
Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Photo: James Doyle Penrose If I#unn were alive today, she would be an Instagram influencer. This goddess was associated with youth and apples, as was her husband Bragi, making them the kind of power couple whose stories you would follow religiously for tips on how to defy ageing. So crucial was I#unn, in fact, that when a giant named !jassi kidnapped her, all of the gods began to turn old and whither. This could not be allowed to happen, and so Loki (who was, not surprisingly, partially responsible for I#unn’s kidnapping) set off on a daring mission to return her to the home of the gods, Ásgar#r. He succeeded, but !jassi chased after him. Tough luck for !jassi, because when he arrived, the gods jumped him and beat his ass down, killing him. I#unn’s apples, which she carried around in an ash wood box, were regu- larly eaten by the gods to keep them forever young. That’s right—without her, the gods would literally die, so she is indeed a pretty big deal. And you can see why the gods would murder anyone who messes with her. Today, I#unn is a not-uncommon Icelandic name. It’s also the name of an Icelandic organisation dedicated to traditional verse (rímur). Will rhyming keep you young? Hey, it can’t hurt. And in lieu of eating one of I#unn’s apples, it’s probably your next best bet. Deities Of Iceland: I"unn Æsir’s very own Insta!ram influencer 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06— 2020 Supersport! - Dog Run (EP) Just what the summer needed: a shiny new EP from Reykjavík’s most charming indie pop group. All four band musicians are active members of Post-dreifing, an anarchic grassroots music collective that we couldn’t be bigger fans of here at the Grapevine. The record is jam- packed with lo-fi fun and wholesome ethics. Just give it a listen, you won’t regret it. PA Elín Ey - Ljósi" Bouncy and groovy, Elín Ey’s newest single is quality listening. Aside from its good vibes, its lyrical message comes just in time for Pride, with the simple but true hook: “I can be myself, you can be yourself, and they can be themselves.” NB Annalísa - 00:01 (EP) Annalísa’s first EP is a heartfelt work with beautiful Icelandic vocals, provided by a so( yet strong voice and accompanied by a musical fusion of acoustic sounds and synths. Like a mix between lullabies and a movie soundtrack. CM Holdgervlar - Eiturveitur This eerie minimalistic track is Holdgervlar’s first release under the newly launched Myrkfælni record label, and what a great start! The pair are our favourite Icelandic post-goth darkwave duo (believe me there was some sti$ competition for the title). Check out the music video if you’re not a fan of sleeping soundly. PA Oscar Leone - Lion With a nice beat and a distinct summer holiday feel, Oscar’s third single radiates the upli(ing yet chill vibes of easygoing indie rock. In his newest song he perfectly balances acoustic and electric soundscapes and invites listeners to sing along. CM Tómas Welding - Go The Distance Between Tómas’s melodic tenor vocals and steady, rhythmic instrumentation, this recent hit is both engaging and relaxing. Its balanced nature and fun sound make it an ideal addition to a road trip playlist. NB GRAPEVINE PLAYLIST JUST SAYINGS COMIC This one—which is interna- tional yes, but weirdly popular in Iceland—is a bit harsh. It’s direct translation is “to toss the child out with the bath water,” meaning to sacrifice something valuable along with all the worthless stuff. But what everyone actually thinks when they hear this phrase is what the hell Mom? Did you not see me in the tub? Mean. In Iceland, this idiom is not often used by your average person, but rather by frus- trated lobbyists that just really want attention. They yell this as loudly as they can in order to pres- sure Parliament into giving them whatever it is that those greedy fuckers want. We hope their bath drains clog. VG First My apples bring all the boys to the yard „A" fleygja barninu út me" ba"vatninu“


Reykjavík Grapevine

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