Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Síða 8

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Síða 8
6 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBUNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR 4. If the ewe does not conceive at the first rnating, and another ram is used at the seconcl heat, this change of ram may not be entered into the recorcl book. 5. Rams may occasionally break out of their pens and into the ewe pens. Then they are usually assumed to have mat- ecl all the new ewes on heat in the pen where they are found. If ewes from previous day’s mating are still on heat in that pen, they are assumed to have conceived at the rnating the previous day, and not to the second ram, and no account is given of sucli incidences in the record books. 6. The original records of the matings are usually made in notebooks, and transferred from there to the ilock books. Sorne errors may occur during this transcription of the records. The most likely source of faulty recorcls among those listecl above is accidental mat- ing by the teaser ram, although the other sources can not be excluded. On relatively few farms in the country, the ewes which it is intended to mate to a particular ram are put into a separate pen and the ram let loose in that pen. No measures are then taken to determine how many and which ewes are on heat each day. This system is not widespread. It was used on only one of the farms where the colour inheritance data were obtained. 4. Supervision at lambing time The lambing season usually starts some time between the 5th and 25th of May. The lambing may take place either in the sheds or outdoors, but the earlier the lamb- ing is the more likely it is to take place in tlie sheds. When the lambing takes place in the sheds, it occurs every now and then that two ewes, one or both giving birth to twins, lanrb almost simultaneously and very close together. Then the ewes themselves don’t discriminate between their own lambs and the other ewe’s lambs. If this happens when nobody is supervising the sheep, the supervisor will try to sort out the mess when he arrives. If one takes for the sake of argument, a case where the farmer finds two ewes sharing 5 newborn lambs, when he enters the shed, he will give the three lightest lambs to the ewe which is known to be rnore fertile. He may in case of similar sized larnbs, look for other signs which might indicate the cor- rect mother of each lamb. If one or rnore of the lambs are nonwhite, and one of the ewes has earlier given birth to nonwhite lambs, she will most likely by given the nonwhite lamb or lambs. Incidents of this kind are rarely recorded in the flock books. The decision the supervisor makes is re- garded as the correct one, and the incident is forgotten. It frequently happens when lambing takes place in the sheds, and occasionally outdoors, that ewes which are about to lamb try to steal a lamb from another ewe. Sometimes they are successful, particularly if they come across a ewe which has al- ready given birth to one twin and the se- cond twin is being born. If this happens during a period of no supervision, the re- sult is a permanent fault in the record. Mismothering, as described above, will always be a relatively rare phenomenon, and with careful supervision at lambing time, mismothering should not occur at all. But this possibility has to be recognized when dealing with sheep records from com- mercial flocks, where rouncl the clock super- vision at lambing time may be very diffi- cult to achieve. The farms where the re- cords in the present studv were collected are all regarded as having relatively close supervision of ewes at lambing time. The possibility of faulty records clue to mis- mothering can not, however, be excluded.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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