Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 9

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 9
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 7 5. Identification of individuals On the farras where the data for the present study were collected all the lambs are eartagged, usually with a numbered aluminium eartag, shortly after birth. The nurnber on the eartag is entered into the record book together with the eartag num- ber of the dam. At the same time the sex and the colour of the lamb is recorded. Stillborn lambs on these farms have also been recorded and their sex and colour de- scribed. The lambs which are kept for breeding usually have their original eartags replac- ed in early winter by permanent eartags with the flockbook number of the indivi- duals. At that time the new flockbook numbers are recorded together with the parentage of the lambs in question. 6. Shearing time The main lambing season lasts for about 3 weeks, the ewes not having lambed by then mainly being those which dicl not conceive at the first mating. These ewes may some- times be put on uncultivated homeland pasture and will lamb there without super- vision. The records of number of lambs per ewe and sex and colour of larnbs are then made when the sheep are gathered for shearing of the ewes, which takes place in late June or early July. During the shearing gathering the lambs on the experimental farm Hestur have been weighed and their weight gain from birth to shearing calculated. At that gather- ing the colour description of some of the lambs has been checked and obvious mis- takes corrected. 7. Autumn records In late September the sheep are gathered from the mountain pastures and taken to their home farms. There the lambs intend- ed for breeding are selected and all the remaining lambs slaughtered, usually di- rectly off the range. While the inspection and selection of lambs for breeding is being carried out, some check will automatically be made on the colours of the lambs, and any obvious mistakes which have not been detected earlier may be corrected at this time. The corrections made at shearing time and dur- ing the autumn handling of the lambs in the present study have been relatively few. CHAPTER II Colour descriptions A. BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION Several of the colours of the Icelandic sheep have previously been described by Pálsson (1944), and his descriptions formed a valu- able starting point for the present work. It was felt, however, that for a thorough genetic study of the colours a more system- atic approach to the description was need- ed. In order to develop a system for a com- plete description of the colours within a breed of sheep, one must have a fairly compreliensive a priori knowledge about what colours or colour combinations are likely to occur in the population to be de- scribed. Any system used for such description should take into account all possible ways of grouping the colours. For the grouping
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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