Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 15

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 15
COLOUR IXHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 13 birth is a very liglu grey colour, where only a minor proportion o£ the outer coat fibres are black, the others being either wliite or tan. These lambs could some- times mistakenly be classified as showing the birthcoat pattern of some of the dark- faced breeds, where the birthcoat fibres are black at the tip, giving the body a grey appearance. These darkfaced colours are, liowever, so rare in the Icelandic slieep that confusion has been avoided. In the present study, the definition given above for grey colour has been strict- ly adhered to when the colours were classi- íied. It became evident during the course of collection of the present data that as knowledge about the criteria for grey colour increased and by increased experi- ence, doubtful cases were very rarely en- countered. For differentiation between the different amount of black fibres in the birthcoat of grey lambs, a scoring system was adapted and used on some of the farms, where the data for the present study were collected. The scores ran from 1 to 7, and the characteristics of the type of grey witliin each score is given below. Score Shade of grey colour at birth 1 Lightgrey or lightgrey-speckled on liead, feet and body. 2 Lightgrey and tan on body, lightgrey or grey and tan on head and feet. 3 Lightgrey on body, darkgrey on liead and feet. 4 Lightgrey spots in medium to dark- grey colour on body, darkgrey colour on head and feet. 5 Medium to darkgrey on head, feet and body. 6 Medium to darkgrey on body, dark- grey on head and feet. 7 Darkgrey on body, head and feet. Colonr 03 — black badgerface (Plates II, 4; II, 5; III, 6; IV, 1 and IV, 6) The badgerface pattern is highly sum- metrical. The belly of the animal is black, both undercoat and outercoat, the black colour extending backwards to the inner side of the hindlegs, up around the anus and to the underside of the tail. The black colour extends forward along the brisket to the inner side of the forelegs, up along the underside of tlie neck in a narrow line, covering the underside of the lower jaw. The inside of the ears is black. Sometimes black badgerface animals have a black patch with illdefined outlines in both rear flanks, the reverse of the light saddle of the wild Mouflon. The lieadmarkings, wliich were used as the main criterion for this colour when it first was described (Roberts, 1924, Wriedt, 1924), are not so clearcut in the Icelandic sheep that they can be regarded as a per- manent feature of the character. The bars between the eyes, which were regarded as the main features of the badger- face pattern when it first was described, are visible in the lighter types of badger- face in the Icelandic sheep, but not in the darker types. They cannot therefore be used as criteria for the pattern in Icelandic sheep. The same applies to the Old Nor- wegian sheep (Berge, 19G4 a). One feature of the head pattern seems, however, to be present in all black badgerface animals, and that is a light-coloured spot under- neath the eyes. The parts of the body which are not black, have a dirty wliite or tan colourecl outercoat, while the undercoat fibres are often black, giving a grey-coloured band at the base of the staple, as the undercoat grows. 'I'liis giey colour is .the reverse of the ordinary grey, described above. This
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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