Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 18

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 18
16 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR combined pattern. This holds true as a general rule for colours which are the re- sult of a combination of two separate patterns. For the grey badgerface colour parti- cularly, the undercoat fibres on the belly are thus white, while the outercoat fibres on the belly remain black. Tlre undercoat fibres on the upper part of the body will also be wliite, and so the upper part of the body will now rnainly produce white fibres. The badgerface pattern inhibits pig- ment formation in the outercoat fibres on the upper part of the body, and the grev pattern inhibits pigment formation in the undercoat fibres all over the body. Colour 11 — grey mouflon (Plates III, 1 and III, 3) This colour combines the effect of the mouflon pattern and the effect of the grey pattern, so that areas that are white in the black mouflon remain white, while the grey pattern is manifested only in areas which are black in the black mouflon. These are turned grey in the grey mouflon. In the grey mouflon the white areas usu- ally show completely white colour, whereas the same areas are dirty white in the black nrouflon. The agouti colouring which oc- curs in black mouflon will also show up in the grey mouflon, because the grey patt- ern does not affect the colour of the outer- coat fibres or the colour of the hair on head and feet. Colour 12 — black badgerface-mouflon (Plates III, 5 and III, 6) This colour combines the effects of the badgerface pattern and mouflon pattern in a similar way to that described under colours 10 ancl 11, i.e. white areas in eitlier pattern separately will produce white in the combination, while black areas must coincide in both patterns in order to pro- duce black in the combined pattern. Thus the head shows a light spot under the eye from the badgerface pattern ancl a light spot above the eye from the mou- flon pattern. The inside of the ears is light from the mouflon pattern, while the outside of the ears is light due to the badgerface pattern. The underside of the lower jaw and the belly is light due to the nrouflon pattern, while the outercoat on the upper part of the body is white due to the badgerface pattern. The undercoat fibres on the upper part of the body are unaffected by both pattern and thus re- rnain black, giving the base of the staple a silver grey colour. On the borderline between side and belly and on the rear of the hind legs, there is a darker stripe, where sorne of the outercoat fibres and all the undercoat fibres remain black. Colour 13 — preybroivn badgerface (Plate II, 6) This is the same colour as the grey badgerface, but black pigment is replacecl by brown. This colour may be very diffi- cult to distinguish from brown badgerface, until the lambs are at least 2—3 weeks old. Colour 14 — greybrown mouflon This is the same colour as grey mouflon, with black pigment replaced by brown. Colour 15 — brown badgerface-mouflon This is the same colour as black badger- face-mouflon, with black pigment replaced by brown. Colour 16 — grey badgerface-mouflon In this colour the patterns grey, mou- flon and black badgerface are superinrpos-
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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