Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 51

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 51
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 49 markings on farm 5 also seems to be the result of a mutation of Ax to A5. In cases 6, 9, 11 and 15 white lambs have been obtained from matings where both parents were nonwhite. The lambs in question could all be the progeny of white rams used on the farms in the same mat- ing-seasons. The white lamb in case 11 is thus almost certainly the progeny of a polled white sire. The possibility that some of the anomal- ous white lambs above are of a different genetic constitution from ordinary white slieep cannot fully be ruled out, but con- vincing experinrental evidence for the ex- istence of a new type of white colour is still lacking. 3. Contemporary twins by two different sires On 1/1/1961 ewe No. 87 on farm No. 2, brown, genotype AgAgB^B^S^— was mat- ed to ram No. 02097, a black mouflon, genotype A^A^B^B^S^—. Later in the same heat she was accidentallv served bv a white ram, No. 02088, genotype AtAg ------S2, and the second mating was re- corded. The ewe gave birth to twins on 24/5/ 1961, one of them black mouflon and the other white. Frorn the colours of the lambs they were obviously sired by one sire each. This indicent demonstrates how easily accidents of this type may happen and that although one twin of a pair shows a colour which determines its sire witliout doubt, the other twin may be the progeny of an- other sire. Cases of unexpected colours out of mat- ings where the genotype of both parents is known should therefore always be treat- ed with suspicion if the observed colour could have been produced by any other sire present on the farm during the mating season. 4. Unexpected colours produced by a lightgrey ram In autumn 1962 a lightgrey ram No. 06043, was bought in to farm No. 6 in the hope that he would be homozygous grey. The parents of the ram were not known witli certainty, but were thougt to be a white sire, genotype A4A4, and a white dam, genotype Ax A5. He was mated to ewes with a variety of colours the next winter, but mainly to nonwhite ewes in order to produce grey lambs. In spring 1963 it became clear that the ram did not give grey colour to any of his progeny, but out of matings to black or brown ewes, white, black mouflon and black lambs appeared. The owner of the ram was naturally dis- appointed and wanted to dispose of the ram, but due to fortunate circumstances it proved possible to make arrangements with another farmer who was willing to test the ram further during the next season by mat- ing him to nonwhite ewes. The farmer was paid a fee from the University Research Institute for each lamb produced by the ram in this test. The data from this ex- periment are not included in table 9. The genotype for the ewes to which the ram was mated in both years taken together and the colours of the lambs obtained are given in table 11. As seen from table 11, no grey progeny were produced in matings to A5A5-ewes, the only colours occurring there being white, black mouflon and black. The colour of the ram and the colours occurring among his progeny indicated that the ram was of mosaic grey colour, and that his gonads contained a mixture of Ax-, A4- and A5-alleles. If this assumption is correct, one can divide the lambs into 4 groups according to the genotype of the dams. The first group contains white ewes of unknown
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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