Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 77
Effect of colour genotypes of eiues and rams on variation in number
of lambs per mating. Three and four year old eiues
Source of variation
1. Three year old ewes
Between farm-years.......................
Between all matings......................
Between all parent genotypes ............
Interaction ewes x rams all genotypes ....
Between ewes ign. rams...................
Between ewes el. rams....................
Between wh. and nonwh. ewes el. rams . . .
Among white ewes cl. rams ...............
Between rams el. ewes ...................
Between white and nonwhite rarns el. ewes
Among white rarns el. ewes ..............
Between matings, white vs. nonwhite......
Between parent genot., white vs. nonwhite .
Interaction ewes x rams, white vs. nonwhite
Interaction ewes x rams, other parent genot.
Interaction farm-years X matings ........
Error ...................................
2. Four year old ewes
Between farm-years.......................
Between all matings......................
Between all parent genotypes ............
Interaction ewes X rarns all genotypes ....
Between ewes ign. rams...................
Between ewes el. rams ...................
Between wli. and nonwh. ewes el. rarns . . .
Arnong white ewes el. rams ..............
Between rams el. ewes ...................
Between white and nonwhite ranis el. ewes
Among white rams el. ewes ...............
Between matings, white vs. nonwhite......
Between parent genot., white vs. nonwhite .
Interaction ewes x rarns, white vs. nonwhite
Interaction ewes X rams, other parent genot.
Interaction farm-years X matings ........
Error ...................................
101 148.5233 1.4705 4.58**
11 9.7963 0.8906 2 yy##
5 8.5963 1.7193 5.35**
6 1.2000 0.2000 0.62
2 7.7869 3.8934 12.12**
2 7.1252 3.5626 11.09**
1 6.9933 6.9933 21.77**
1 0.1319 0.1319 0.41
3 0.8095 0.2665 0.83
1 0.1715 0.1715 0.53
2 0.6380 0.3160 0.98
3 7.7952 2.5984 8.09**
9 7.6179 3.8090 11.86**
i 0.1773 0.1773 0.55
5 1.0227 0.2045 0.64
339 113.0840 0.3336 1.04
1984 637.3575 0.3212
86 97.2025 1.1303 2.85**
11 5.1128 0.4648 1.17
5 4.7364 0.9473 2.39*
6 0.3764 0.0627 0.16
2 4,3207 2.1604 5.44**
2 4.4241 2.2121 5.57**
1 3.4773 3.4773 8.76**
1 0.9468 0.9468 2.39
3 0.4156 0.1385 0.35
1 0.1041 0.1041 0.26
2 0.3115 0.1558 0.39
3 3.6264 1.2088 3.05*
2 3.6191 1.8096 4.56*
1 0.0073 0.0073 0.02
5 0.3691 0.0738 0.19
294 115.9283 0.3943 0.99
1619 642.5541 0.3969
‘) P < 0.05; **) P<0.01