Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 95

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 95
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 93 TABLE 53 Number of progeny showing alleles Ax—A& out of matings of A5A5-sires to white dams, and gene frequency Progeny No. of Gene S.E. of showing allefe progeny frequency gene frequency Ai 371 0.679 0.020 A2 35 0.064 0.010 A3 4 0.007 0.004 A4 17 0.031 0.007 A5 120 0.219 0.018 A 6 0 0.000 Sum 547 1.000 would be expected to give white and non- white progeny in the ratio 1:1, i.e. one would on tlie average expect one nonwhite progeny to be produced for each two pro- geny obtained from heterozygous white ewes. Tlius one obtains the expected num- ber of heterozygous ewes by doubling the number of nonwhite progeny obtained. This gives tlie proportion of heterozygous white ewes as 0.642, and that of homo- zygous wliite ewes as 0.358. In table 54 is shown the frequency of all lambs with colour description by farm and main colour of lamb. It is obvious from table 54 that there is a large difference between farms with re- spect to the frequency of individual cofours. This is to a large extent a result of the use of certain nonwhite or lieterozygous white rams on certain farms for experi- mental purposes. Nonwhite ewes mainly were selected for the experiments on these farms and the remaincfer of the ewes were not included in the records. The data in table 54 are therefore not suited for estima- tion of gene frequencies for this reason. Another reason for a bias is the fact that even on the farms where all sheep have been recorded, the matings have been far from random witli respect to colour. On several of the farms the nonwhite ewes have been mated to nonwhite rams mainfy, and the white ewes to white rams. This deviation from random mating woukl tend to decrease an estimate of tlie frequency for allele Ax. In other cases records have been available about lieterozygous AjA5- ewes, which have then been mated to homo- zygous grey rams in order to produce dark- grey lambs, ancl this procedure also has in- troduced a bias. It is possible that some bias has been introduced in the data of table 53 through selective mating. l’his is believed to be of minor importance, except for ewes of geno- type Ax A2, which in some cases were select- ed for matings with A5A5-rams in oider to produce darkgrey lambs. As the observed frequency of A2 is low, this type of selec- tion can hardly have affected the results to any marked extent. In other respects A5A5-rams were mainfy usecl alongside with white rams in the ewe flock, their use not being determined by their colour but
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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