Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 101

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 101
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 99 inheritance, one can see from table 58 that blaze markings can by no means be re- garded a constant feature among the sheep which show white markings. Different types of blaze markings occurred among the par- ents, and if these were based on a multi- factorial inheritance, one would expect some combinations of genotypes with white blaze to give progeny without white markings. This has not happened, however, except eventually in the unexpected case shown in tables 57 and 58, but that case can easily be explained as extreme lack of expression of white markings due to genetic and environmental modification. The white collar is frequently found in the Icelandic sheep, but it has never been found on its own, as sheep with white collar have always shown some white on head and feet as well. The white collar in the present study seerns to be in every re- spect comparable to the white collar found by Vasin (1928). Yet the inheritance of white collar in the present study is quite clearly recessive to no white markings. This is shown by the extensive use of 4 rams with white collar in the present study. In matings to ewes without wliite markings the white collar behaved as a completely recessive character. The final proof that the conditions hood and white collar are recessive is the fact that the segregation ratios in the matings SXS2 X S2S2 and S2S, X Sxs2 are quite close to the expected 1:1 ratio. If the hood and white collar were dominant, all the rams showing these mark- ings would have been homozygous for white markings, as they did not give any off- spring without white markings in the mat- ings S2S, X S,S2. They would therefore have been expected to give considerable excess of progeny with white markings in the mating S,S2 X SiS2> but this is clearly not the case, cf. table 57. The conclusion must therefore be that the three types of white markings, hood, blaze markings and white collar are all re- cessive in tlie Icelandic sheep and that they are only different modifications of reces- sive white markings caused by homozygosity of the allele S,. It should be remembered that so far all white markings have heen assumed to be caused by the same allele, S,. There might eventually exist several alleles for white markings at this locus, and some of the variation in tlie extent of white markings could then possibly be accounted for by difference between alleles. So far separate alleles have not been isolated in the present study, and the amount of variation in the white markings will clearly make it a diffi- cult task to decide whether the extent of the white markings is caused by segregation of more than one allele at this locus or to the action of modifying genes and intra- uterine environment. C. EFFECT OF LOCI B AND S ON FERTILITY The effect of loci B and S on number of lambs per ewe lambing arnong 2 year old ewes has been examined. The analysis gave no indication of any effect of the geno- types at these two loci on this aspect of fertility. In table 59 are shown the least squares estimates within farm-years of the tlie black versus brown genotypes and of genotypes without white markings versus those with white markings. The results of the analyses of variance are given in table 60. D. LINKAGE BETWEEN COLOUR LOCI Very limited evidence is available on link- age between colour loci in the present data. With respect to linkage between loci A
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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