Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 115

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 115
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 1 13 TABLE 61 Effect of alleles A-^—Ag on pigment production by body regions and follicle types. -)- = presence, — = absence, of black and brown pigment. Allele Back Belly Primaries Secondaries Primaries Secondaries Ai _ Ae + — - — A2 + — + — A3 — + + + A4 + + — Ab + + + + pigment inhibition in certain follicle types. (For references in connection with follicle types in sheep see Ryder and Stephenson, 1968). This difference between the species may well be due to difference in follicle morphology rather than to difference in the action of the alleles. It is nevertlieless of considerable interest, particularly in view of the other main feature of some of the A-alleles which is common to both species, i.e. their differential effect on the dorsal and the ventral part of the animal. It is well established that the hair follicles in yellow mice and in the yellow areas in black and tan mice contain melanocytes which are capable of producing eumelanin in non-yellow areas. In the yellow areas the eumelanin production of these melanocytes is inhibited, however, so that they can only produce phaeomelanin. (For references see Foster, 1965 ancl Searle, 1968). It seems logical to assume that the in- hibition of production of black and brown pigment in certain follicle types in sheep is of the same nature as the inhibition of formation of black and brown pigment in certain body regions in slieep and mice. The effects of the 6 alleles found at the A-locus in sheep can then be describecl in terms of their inhibiting effect as shown in table 61, where -j- means presence and — means absence of black and brown pig- ment. The picture that emerges from table 61 gives certain clues to the possible nature of the action of tliese alleles, which are not available from the rnouse series. In black ancl tan mice the migrating melanoblasts which originate in the neural crest and later become the pigment producing me- lanocytes of the follicles, find an environ- ment which allows eumelanin production on tlie dorsal part, but one which inhibits eumelanin production on the ventral part of the animal. Tlie inhibiting effect on the belly is a function of the particular en- vironment witliin the follicles and seems to result from the action of the af-allele either at the time of formation of tlie fol- licle or its action on the tissue from which the follicles are formed prior to their formation. Because only one type of pig- ment is produced within the area of eume- lanin inhibition, the a^-allele does not tell us whether the tissue from which the fol- licles are formed has been affected irrevers-
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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