Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 118

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 118
116 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBUNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Allele Giving colour or pattern Dominant to Recessive to Ai White All None Ae Grey mouflon A2, A4, A5 Ai A2 Grey a5 Ai, Ae A3 Badgerface a5 Ai A4 Mouflon a5 Ai, Ae A5 No pattern None All and S2, recessive, for presence of white markings. The results from planned breeding ex- periments, which are described, confirm the above hypothesis (Chapter III). In addition to the results from the breed- ing experiments extensive records from 24 sheep flocks were collected for analysis (Chapter IV). The segregation results with respect to the alleles at the A-locus are given in Table 9 for 111 matings where both alleles of both parents were known prior to the mat- ing. Colour description was available on 3452 iambs from these matings. Of these, 23 lambs or 0.67 per cent, showed colours other than expected. These exceptions are so few that the rnain hypothesis about the allelic system at the A-locus is confirmed. The unexpected cases are described in detail. One case can be ascribed to muta- tion of Ax to Ag. Another case can be ascribed to mutation of Ag to A2 in a brown ram, leading to colour mosaicism and mosaicism in the gonads of the ram as well. The other exceptions can be ascribed to faulty parentage or faulty colour de- scription. A case is described where the two lambs in a twin pair could be shown to have been sired by two different sires. A case of colour mosaicism in a pheno- typically grey ram is described. Through a breeding test the ram was shown to have had the zygotic genotype A4A5. The allele A4 is shown to have mutated to A4 at the 4-cell or 8-ceIl stage of the zygote (Chap. V). A method was devised to estimate from the data in table 9 the overall representa- tion of the alleles A4, A2, A3 and A4, all compared to allele A5. The estimation showed that allele A2 was less frequently represented among the progeny than ex- pected. The deficiency was not significant for each sex of parents separately, but signi- ficant (P < 0.05) for sexes of parents com- bined. The deficiency was confirmed in an independent set of data. Matings involving the allele A4 in both parents showed subnormal variation in the segregation ratios. (x23 = 0.2644; 0.99 > P > 0.98). This was found for added reci- procal matings with sexes of progeny and singles and twins combined. When 16,826 lambs with colour descript- ion were grouped according to sex a signi- ficantly liigher proportion of white lambs was found among male than female lambs (X21 = 7.196; 0.01 >P> 0.001). This sex difference was similar for both singles and twins. The proportion of white lambs was also significantly higher among singles than twins (x24 = 119.624; P< 0.001). No signi- ficant difference in sex ratio could be de- monstrated between colours among non- white lambs. A highly significant effect was found of
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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