Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 119

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 119
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 117 colour of ewe on fertility, white ewes of 2, 3 and 4 years of age giving 0.132, 0.176 and 0.134 lambs less per mating, respectively, than nonwhite ewes of the same age groups. Nurnber of lambs per ewe lambing was also highly significantly lower for white than nonwhite ewes among 2 year old ewes. No difference in fertility could be demon- strated between heterozygous and homo- zygous white ewes, and no such difference was found between nonwhite ewes of dif- ferent genotypes either. Grey ewes showed comparable fertility to other nonwhite ewes, which indicates that embryonic mor- tality is not responsible for the deficiency of the A2-allele. A significant effect of colour of ram on number of lambs per mating was found for 2 year old ewes (P < 0.05), white rams giv- ing 0.080 lambs less per mating than non- white rams. No such effect was found for 3 and 4 year old ewes. No interaction was found between colour of ewe ancl colour of ram. No effect was found of colour of parents on survival of lambs up to 6—8 weeks of age. When singles and twins frorn known mat- ings were grouped by sex and colour (white or nonwhite) a significant deviation from expectation was found within several of the matings. The deviations were found among both white and nonwliite ewe groups. Three parameters attributing the variation to selective embryonic mortality were estimated from matings involving genotypes with all combinations of alleles A4 and Ag, and were all found to affect the segregation ratios significantly. The parameters were: UT = advantage of sperm carrying allele At over sperm carrying allele Ag (P<0.01); vT = advantage of sperm carrying allele Ag and tlie X-chromosome over other spernr in matings of white ewes (P<0.01); and s = excess mortality of white embryos in white ewes (P < 0.05). The parameters uT and vT were significant for twins only while S was estimated as a common parameter for both singles and twins. Homozygous white lambs were shown to have significantly less amount of tan colour on the body than heterozygous white lambs (P < 0.05). Hogozygous grey lambs were shown to be predominantly lightgrey with scores 1 and 2 while heterozygous grey lambs were predominantly darkgrey with scores 6 and 7. No indication was found of a disturbed ratio between homozygous and heterozyg- ous grey lambs. Frorn the matings A2A5 X A2A5, A2A5 X A5 A5 and A5A5 X A2A5 two parameters, p and q, for selective fertiliza- tion were estimated; p, the probability of fertilization by sperm carrying the allele A2, was found to be 0.408 ±0.041, and q, the probability of retention of allele A2 in an A2A3 egg fertilized by sperm carrying allele A5, was found to be 0.42 ± 0.041. The two parameters accounted for a highly significant amount of the variation in the above matings (x22 = 9.999; P<0.01), the remaining variation being nonsignificant (X2! = 0.039; 0.90 > P > 0.80). Estimates of gene frequencies at the A- locus among 547 white ewes mated to AgAg-rams were for alleles Ax, A2, A3, A4, Ag ancl A6, respectively: 0.679 ± 0.020; 0.064 ± 0.010; 0.007 ± 0.004; 0.219 ± 0.018; and 0.000 (Chapter VI). Segregation ratios at the B-locus were found to agree well with expectation, and no exceptions from expected colours were found. Segregation ratios at the S-locus were also found to agree well with expectation. One lamb without white markings was obtained where white markings were expected. No effect was found of alleles at loci B and S on fertility. Data on linkage between loci A, B and S were limited but showed no evidence of linkage (Chapter VII).
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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