Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 120

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Side 120
118 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBIJNABARRANNSÓKNIR The results of the present study are com- pared with results from earlier investiga- tions and obvious discrepancies are discuss- ed (Chapter VIII). The action of the genes at the colour loci in sheep ancl their homology with colour loci in rodents is also discussed (Chapter IX). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am greatly indebted to Dr. Halldór Páls- son, former director of the Department of Agriculture of the University Research Institute for invaluable assistance and dis- cussions during the whole period of ex- perimentation and data collection and for the permission to use all the records on sheep colours from the Experimental Farm, Hestur, collected during the period 1951— 1962. Thanks are also due to Mr. Pétur Gunnarsson, the present director of the Agricultural Research Institute (former Department of Agriculture of the Uni- versity Research Institute) and to the Ice- landic Ministry of Agriculture for grant- ing me leave of absence for the period lst October, 1966, to 15th August, 1968, during which I stayed with the University of Edinburgh, analysing the data and writing up the results. — I also wish to express my gratitude to the Icelandic Scientific Foundation (Vísindasjóður) for a grant made available for a preliminary ana- lysis of part of the data in 1962 and for grants made available to me in 1967 and 1968 during my stay in Edinburgh. During the period of experimentation and data collection I had to rely on the goodwill and help of a great number of jieople. It would lead too far to mention all tliose who assisted me in one way or another during this jseriod. Particular thanks are due to the farm managers of the Experimental Farm, Hestur, Mr. Guð- mundur Pétursson and Mr. Einar E. Gísla- son for their excellent supervision of the experiments and for the general recording of the colours of the sheep in the experi- mental flock; to the farmers Guðmundur Jónsson, Kójrsvatni, Magnús Sigurðsson, Gilsbakka, and Ólafur Jónsson, Skeiðhá- holti for valuable assistance in connection with experimentation and data collection; to all the others farmers who made their sheep available for experimentation and their flock book records available for ana- lysis; to Miss Svandís Guðmundsdótir, Mrs. Virginia B. Steingrímsson, Mrs. Jóhanna Gunnbjörnsdóttir and Mr. Sveinn Hall- grímsson for preparation and punching of the data; and finally to Mr. Jóhann Gunn- arsson of the IBM-agency in Iceland for assistance in planning the transfer of the data to punched cards. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to Professor D. J. Finney of the Depart- ment of Statistics of the University of Edin- burgh for his many valuable suggestions and keen interest in the project during my stay with his Department. Sincere thanks are also due to Professor Alan Robertson of the Institute of Animal Genetics of the University of Edinburgh for his advice and comments during the many discussions I had with him on the subject. I am also in- delited to the Edinburgh Regional Com- puting Center for assistance in connection witli the comjmting facilities and to the Library of the Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics for facilities made available to me there. I arn further indebted to Miss M. Brown and Miss M. Wilson for typing the first draft of the manuscript and to Miss Inga Lára Guðmundsdótitr for the final typing of the manuscript. Finally I wish to exjiress my sincere thanks to my wife, Ellen, for all her pati- ence and her direct and indirect help at all stages of the project.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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