Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Síða 127

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Síða 127
COLOUR INHERITANCE IN ICELANDIC SHEEP 125 í naggrísum finnast þannig dreifðar litamóðurfrunrur í skinninu í hvítu blett- unum, og í dropóttu sauðfé tefjast þessar frumur ekki meira en það á ferð sinni, að þær eru komnar í hvítu blettina í skinninu, áður en síðustu þelhára- sekkirnir myndast, þannig að dökkir blettir koma fram í þelinu á hvítu svæð- unurn á dropóttu fé, en toghárin á þessum blettum eru öll hvít. REFERENCES ADALSTEINSSON, S. 1956: íslenzka ullin (The Icelandic wool). Bunaðarrit, 69: 465—499. — 1960: Erfðir á sauðalitum (Inheritance of coat colour in sheep). Freyr, 56: 385—391. — 1965: Rannsóknir á erfðum á rauðgulum illhærum í ull á íslenzku sauðfé (Investiga- tions on inheritance of tan-pigmented fibres in the wool of Icelandic sheep). Bún- aðarblaðið, 5 (5): 14—15. Adametz, L. 1917: Studien iiber die Mendel- sche Vererbung der wichtigsten Rassenmerk- male der Karakulschafe bei Reinzucht und Kreuzung mit Rambouiilets. Biblioteca Genetica, I. Bailey, N. T. J. 1961: Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Genetic Linkage. Oxford University Press. Bateman, N. 1960: Selective fertilization at the T-locus. Genet. Res. (Camb.), 1: 226—238. Berge, S. 1958: Farger hos den gamle norske sauen (Colour in the Old Norwegian Sheep). The Agricultural College of Nor- way, Institute of Anitnal Breeding and Genetics, Reporl No. 119. — 1964 a: Sauefargenes genetikk (Sheep col- our genetics). The Agricultural College of Norway. Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Report No. 183. — 1964 b: Fiberfarge og fiberfordeling hos röd norsk spælsau. Naturen, 2: 87—91. BoNIKOWSKY, H. 1935: Untersuchungen úber die Morphologie und Vererbung verschied- ener Merkmale beim Karakulschafe. Kúhn- Archiv, 36: 1—98. Brooker, M. G. and DoLLING, C. H. S. 1965: Pigmentation of sheep. I. Inheritance of pigmented wool in the Merino. Aust. J. Agric. lles., 16: 219-228. — 1969 a: Pigmentation of sheep. II. The in- heritance of colour patterns in black Mer- inos. Aust. J. Agric. Ras., 20: 387—394. — 1969 b: Pigmentation of sheep. III. Piebald pattern in Merinos. Aust. ]. Agric. Res., 20: 523-532. DAVENPORT, C. B. 1905: The origin of black sheep in the flock. Science N. S., 22: 674— 675. Davy, J. B. 1927: Persian and Merino sheep crosses. J. Heredity, 18: 25—32. Donald, H. P. and Read, J. L. 1967: The per- formance of Finnish Landrace sheep in Britain. Animal Production, 9 (4): 471— 476. Dry, F. W. 1924: The genetics of the Wensley- dale breed of sheep. I. The occurrence of black lambs. An examination of flock re- cords. ]. Genet., 14: 203—218. — 1926: Colour inheritance in the Wensley- dale breed of sheep. Journ. Text. Inst., 17: T180-T186. — 1927: Mendelian breeding with Wensley- dale sheep. /. Text. Inst. Manchr., 18. — 1936: The genetics of the Wensleydale breed of sheep. II. Colour, fertility and in- tensity of selection. /. Genet., 33: 123—134. Duck, R. W. 1921: Mendelism in Fur Sheep Crosses. /. Hered., 12: 410—413. — 1922: Mendelism in Fur Slieep Crosses. II. /. Hered., 13: 63-68. Edgar, D. G. 1962: The movement of ova in the genital tract of the ewe. Proc. N. Z. Soc. Anim. Prod., 22: 133—138. Elwes, H. J. 1912: Notes on the primitive breeds of sheep in Scotland. Scottish Natur- alist, March.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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