Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 128

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 128
126 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBUNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Ewart, C. Cossar. 1919: The intercrossing of sheep and the evolution of new varieties of wool Scot. Journ. Agric. 2: 159—169. Finney, D. J. 1968: Personal communication. Foster, M. 1965: Mammalian pigment gene- tics. Adv. in Genet. 13: 311—335. Goulden, C. H. 1952: Methods of Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed. John Wiley & So?is, Inc., New York. Grizzle, J. E. 1967: Continuity Correction in the ^2-test for 2x2 Tables. The American Statistician, 21 (4): 28—32. Hancock, J. L. 1962: Fertilization in Farm Animals. Animal Breeding Abstracts, 30 (3): 285-310. Harvey, W. R. 1960: Least Squares Analysis of Data with Unequal Subclass Numbers. ARS-20-8. Agricultural Reasearcli Service, U. S. Dept. of Agric. (Mimeographed). Hayman, R. H. and Cooper, D. W. 1964: The inheritance of black pigmentation in a family of inbrecl Peppin Merinos. Aust. J. Agric. Res., 15: 453—460. — 1965: The frequency of pigmented sheep in the Australian Merino. Wool Techno- logy a?id Sheep Breeding, 12: 81—85. Heller, L. L. 1915: Reversion in Sheep. J. Hered., 6: 480. Henseler, H. 1913: Úber die Bedeutung der mendelschen Vererbungsregeln fur die praktische Tierzucht. Leipzig. (Ref. Vasin (1928)). Hollander, W. F. and Gowen, J. W. 1956: An extreme non-agouti mutant in the mouse. /. Hered., 47: 221—224. Hoogschagen, P. 1967: De vererving van de zwarte kleur bij Nederlanse schapen. Vee- teelt en Zuivel Berichten, 10: 22—27. Kelley, R. B. and Shaw, H. E. B. 1942: Note on the occurrence and inheritance of pig- mented wool. J.C.S.I.R., 15: 1—3. Kelley, R. B. 1943: The inheritance of pig- mented wool. /. Counc. Sci. Ind. Research, 16: 10. Koch, W. 1937: Úber Wildfarbung und ihre Vererbung beim Schaf. Ziichtungskunde, 12: 325-328. Land, R. 1968: Personal communication. Lauvergne, J. J. 1961: Sur le determinisme gentique de la couleur noire dans la race “Bleu du Maine”. Sem. Hop. Paris. (Ann. Gen.), 2: 47-52. Löfvenberg, S. and JoHANSSON, I. 1952: Úber die Farbenvererbung beim gotland- ischen Landschaf. Z. Tierz. u. Zúcht. biol., 60: 252-262. Mason, I. L. 1967: The sheep breeds of the Mediterranean. FAO of the United Nations and Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Bucks, England. MORAIS, C. M„ Da Costa, E. S. R. and Serra, J. A. 1953: Inheritance of the “Jardo” grey coloration in sheep. In Publ. Junta Pequar, Lisboa (Ser. A) No. 4. Ohno, S. 1966: Cytologic and Genetic Evi- dence of Somatic Segregation in Mammals, Bitds and Fishes. Phenotypic Expression 1N VITRO, Vol. II, p. 46-60. Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. PÁLSSON, H. 1944: Fjölbreytni litareinkenna ís- lenzka sauðfjárins (Variation in the coloura- tion of the Icelandic sheep). Náttúrufrœd- ingurinn, 14: 78—83. PuRSER, A. F. and Karam, H. A. 1967: Lamb survival, growth and fleece production in relation to birthcoat type among Welsh Mountain sheep. Anim. Prod., 9: 73—84. Rae, A. L. 1956: The genetics of the sheep. Advances in Genetics, 8: 189—265. Rendel, J. 1957: Nedárvning av fárg och teck- ning hos husdjur. Kungl. Skogs- och Land- bruksakademiens tidskrift, 96: 208—263. Roberts, J. A. F. 1924: Colour inheritance in sheep. I. Black colour and badgerface patt- ern in Welsh Mountain sheep. /. Genet., 14: 367-374. — 1926: II. The piebald pattern of the pie- bald breed. /. Genet., 17: 77—83. — 1928: III. Face and leg colour. /. Genet., 19: 261-268. — 1932: VI. The genetic constitution of the wild mouflon. /. Genet., 25: 1—16. Roberts, J. A. F. ancl Jenkin, T. J. 1926: A Preliminary Note on Reversed Badgerface Pattern in Sheep. Welsh Journ. Agric., 2: 70-73. Roberts, J. A. F. and White, R. G. 1930 a: Colour inheritance in sheep. IV. White colour, recessive black colour, etc. /. Genet., 22: 165-180.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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