Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2000, Side 16
Árlegt leðurmót MSC Island var að þessu sínni haldið 16 -18. júní undir merki Gay Pride, Hinsegin daga 2000
í Reykjavík. Rúmlega fimmtíu leðurgæjar frá ýmsum löndum komu á mótið, stærsti hópurinn frá Munchen, svo
alls tóku meira en hundrað manns þátt í gleðinni.Vönduð dagskrá og góður undirbúningur gerði sitt og
skemmtilegir gestir fullkomnuðu hátíðina. Samkvæmislífið er vinna en skipulag léttir hana ótrúlega og MSC-klúbb-
urinn er þegar byrjaður að skipuleggja næsta Leather Summit, 15,-17. júní 2001. Það er vinna sem borgar sig.
2000 IN JUNE
Partying is hard work. Socializing can be
hard enough emotionally but clubs, bars
and discos do not only consume yourtime,
nightlife wears you out, physically. Nothing
will ever change that. Just meeting the peo-
ple you'd like to meet always needs organizing and it may even be a
majortaskto find a place with people you really like.That's hard
work too. MSC lceland ís a tool to maximize fun and mini-
mize work for those looking for the gay leatherscene.
Using the channels of the European scene, organized in
the confederation of gay ieatherclubs, ECMC, not at
least through the Intemet, we manage to party quite well with exactly the people we like. Once a year
we do that on international scale, inviting gay leatherguys from all over to a weekend meeting called
Leather Summit. Starting with five guests fifteen years ago this year we had over fifty men coming to
lceland just forthis meeting.A party with hundred leatherguys cannot possibly go all wrong. Adding a trip
to the highlands with waterfalls and geysirs and relaxing in thermal swimming pools seems to make our
guests ready for nightlife in Reykjavík with bright daylight around the clock.Whateverthe reason one guy from Germany said: "l've hardly
slept a wink for three days but l'm not tired at all." Maybe it is the contrast between the well known rites of the leather bars and unspoilt
lcelandic nature. Maybe it is the friendly atmosphere and generous hospitality of our members. Or maybe it is simply that leathermen have
more fun. Anyway we at MSC lceland are looking forward to next year's Leather Summit June 15-17 2001. We are already organizing it.
Partying is hard work but we love it.
Hinsegin dagar 2000 í júní - Leather Summit - MSC fsland