Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2000, Side 19

Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2000, Side 19
our victories and looked to the future. What have we achieved and how can we fight the hidden oppression that we can hardly put a fing- er on but nevertheless has such a great impact on our lives? Where have we succeeded, where is still work to be done? With all the authoríty of her experience she warned that even though we have made great progress we must still watch out for dangers and that it needs active workto keep what we have gained. Proving that academic lectures can capture the audience University associate professor Ólafur Þ. Harðarson presented results of international research showing how attitudes change with econom- ical growth in so called post-modern societies. It seems that in devel- oped countries common sense and tolerance go up to a certain level and stay there, just like the life expectancy. On a more home based level University associate professor RannveigTraustadóttir presented her very interesting study about women in three minority groups in lceland, disabled women, lesbians and Asian women.This is a long time study still in progress but the results already show how devious the ways of social oppression can be, hidden and hardly tangible, and how the fight for 'equality' can even make life harderfor minorities. The manager and spokesman of Amnesty International in lceland, Jóhanna K. Eyjólfsdóttir explained how Amnesty is redefining its work and fighting against identity based violation.This new concept has far reaching consequences, including that Amnesty ís now not only helpíng those who face oppression because of political workforgay rights but also those discriminated for being gay. Finally the musician Haukur F. Hannesson spoke about the attitude of the church and 'the Christians' to homosexuality, outlining how the fear of the unknown can cause phobic hate reactions and also 'civilized hate reactions' like deliberately ignoring gay issues, that characterizes the attitude of the established churches. The Gay Pride Committee wants to thankthe lcelandic Human Rights Center and all the speakers for their fruitful contributions.The lectures will be published in a book later this year and the organizers of the conference have declared their interest to make such confer- ences a part of the human rights debate in coming years. Fypsta plata sveltarlnnar hjá hlna þekhta enlenda útgáiufypirtæki Mushroont sem hefnr m.a. gefið nt plotup með Garhage. Platan hetur hlotið fráhmra dóma í Bretlandi og Skandinavío par sem Bellatrix hefur verið að spila að undanförnu. japiss


Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík

Tilgængelig indtil :
Tímarit, samkynhneigð, hommar, lesbíur, tvíkynhneigð, transfólk, intersex, Ísland

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