65° - 01.09.1967, Síða 25

65° - 01.09.1967, Síða 25
16. Most Reykjavikans met their mates at a dance or party. 17. Reykjavikans rarely confide in their wives about their jobs, but usually great respect exists between the couple. Also Reykjavikans confide only partly or very little in their parents. 18. Reykjavikans prefer to get married by a minister at his home for two reasons: a) they are reluctant to have any “fuss” around their mar- riage, and b) the woman is usually pregnant when she gets married or has a child beforehand, and hence she is “ashamed” at being married in church. This is a very interesting thing since most respondents said they hardly ever go to church except at funerals, marriages, baptisms, confirma- tions, and at Christmas. They do not get married by a minister for any religious reason, but be- cause it is the custom, and it seems to them to be more beautiful. 19. Men tend to decide matters that concern the family as a whole, make the financial budget, take the initiative in the sexual relations of the spouses and are usually more culturally orientated and more outgoing. Women, on the other hand, seem to take more care of the children, are usual- ly more religious and take greater concern in their childrens’ education. 20. It doesn’t matter whether someone is illegi- timately born or not. Unwed mothers are not looked down on, only considered unfortunate, nor is a man stigmatized for fathering illegitimate children. Nevertheless, there is a stigma on one brought up as an only child vs. one who has been brought up with other siblings. 21. Reykjavikans do not accept abortions and also frown upon giving away children, although most people would take a child. Neither do they think it wise for a girl to get married or engaged just because she is pregnant. 22. The younger generation is apparently going to bring up its children more strictly than the older has done. They, for instance, would not allow their daughter to go camping alone with a boy if she weren’t engaged, though the older generation would allow her to. 23. Knowledge about sex comes to Reykj avxkans mainly from books and poems, very rarely from their parents, but the younger generation is deter- mined to teach its children the facts of life. 24. Most if not all Reykjavik men have sexual intercourse with a girl for the first time for the sense of adventure. About one third of the women reported that their first man was someone they loved, but two thirds felt only curiosity and ad- venture. Most men had only known their first “woman” a day or two. 25. Although the sex life of most married coup- les is rated only “fairly enjoyable”, most people considered sex the most important part of their marriage. This, one can understand, since most men are seldom at home except at night. 26. Most married couples seem fairly well- adjusted sexually although most report that the man has greater interest in sexual relations, that he is very often opposed to the wife initiating sex, and that the wife seldom resents the husband initiating relations. 27. In spite of much talk, adultery does not appear to be very common. Nevertheless, it ap- pears that people associated with commerce are more likely to commit adultery than those who are not. 28. Despite increased knowledge about contra- ceptives, it would seem that 30—40% of all mar- ried women do not use them. 29. Teenagers begin to copulate at 15 or 16. 30. Young Reykjavikans become entirely inde- pendent at 15—17. 31. Most Reykjavik husbands kiss their wives daily, but most said it was habit, not love. 32. Although most consider it necessary or ideal that the spouses have like intelligence, it appears that most couples are of unequal intel- ligence. 33. Divorces “run” in families, i.e. if a person is divorced, it is very likely that someone in his closest family is also divorced. People who rate their marriages “rather happy” or above, usually do not have kin who are divorced, but those rated below usually have some divorced kinfolk. 34. Most marriages in Reykjavik are “reason- ably happy” with no tremendous love, no hatred, but a 50—50 existence. 35. The six main things causing unhappiness in family life are in order of importance: a) money problems b) differences in the use of spare time (dissimilar interests) c) the husband works too much on the new house d) egoism e) alco- holism 6) adultery. 36. Reykjavikans feel that parents should lend money to their children for education although they can afford to give it to them. 37. The ideal husband should have the follow- ing characteristics: a) be relable and trustworthy b) not be a drunkard c) sexually pleasing d) respect the wishes of others e) have some money. 65 23



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