Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Síða 8

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Síða 8
8 dJo = dxm ,m 4- 1 d í/o I i dx m + l (m) (n " eic. dm — 1 í/o f/x ,m + 1 (m) CPO (9) Substituting from (8), (8a) and (9) in (7) we get a known r/í/ dm~li/ dy0 dm~\/0 equation between jc, y, —,... +7+r-T - //o* ~T* • • • , ‘ i - r/x dx dx dx provided the remainder may be left out of consideration as negligible. Another equation between the same quanti- ties may be obtained by altering the values of r and s. In this way we are able to get m equations. The solution of the differential equation (8) may then e. g. be given by the following set of equations: 'y1 (r - /)! (r — / + s — n)! (— x)n n = o (r—t — ri)\(r— / + s)!/j! s! (r / + s ri)\ xn ( To <P (n) „ = o(s — «)!(/•— / + s)!n! (-1) r— txr — #+s+l (r— Z + s)! J , / = 0, I, 2.m — 1. ; d i/* -f- ® — 14“ 1 y($x) (1- ,x+Ti' d'9* d({)x)r (10) In (10) we have 95 dn _y dxn for n< m while for n > m cp(n| and » qp0 are derived from the differential equation in conformity with (8). (8a) and (9). In order to obtain ap- proximate solutions we assume that the remainder may be considered as negligible and we have then in (10) m dy dm~xy -i *Z/o' equations between 2m quantities y, dx dx"


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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