Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 11

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 11
11 It is to be observed that Table I is also applicable if r>s. We have then only to interchange r and s in the Table. The working out of the solution of the differential equa- tion from (10) or (11) may be difficult indeed, we are, however, in many cases able, by means of successive ap- proximations, to arrive at a sufficiently accurate solution without laborious calculations. 2. LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS If the differential equation is linear the work of solution may be performed in more different ways, and as this classe of diff. equations in some respects may be considered as the most important, it seems- worth while to indicate the principal methods. We write the diff. equation of order m as follows — A(m) u + A(m) — + dxm ~ A*’°y + dx+ • • tfm) dm~xy dx ~\+9 ,("i) (14) where A(m\, A(m\ .... and g(m) are known functions of x. Hence by differentiation (n > m) — = A(n) i/ + A(n) dlJ + dxn *’oí/+ For x = 0 we have ,m—1 A(n) ________y- j_ 0(») 1 dxn~' 9 (15) dLyl = A(n)u +A(,,)^ + dxn °’°y°+ °’1 dx + ' jm—1 I dW _______+°+0(n> I ^O, m—1 ^ m-1 l vo (16)


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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