Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Síða 15

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Síða 15
15 be left out of consideration. Some may find the aspects of the equations expressed by (17) and (18) rather abhorrent, it is therefore fortunate that the matter may be approached from a slightly different point of view. I shall then write down the general formula for asymptotic differentiations: t d*y dx iH — p)\ xP (fy_ (k —1)\ dxp y- / (ft - p)\ _ (n — p)\ \ f ffJo ^öl (k — t)! (n — t)\!{n—p)\ dxn (19) which is readily obtained from the Maclaurin series for d‘y dpp dky0 —r and —- by elimination of . In particular we dx dx dx have ^ fy k\ ^-1 k\ n\ \ xn dny0 dx* (k — t) 1 ^ „ = o \(k — t)\ (n — t)\l n\ dx'1 (20) If we in the infinite series on the right hand sides of (19) and (20) let the remainder include the terms after n — k an expression for this remainder is easily obtainable by means of (7). In connexion with (19) and (20) the fol- lowing transformation frequentiy is useful: (k — p)\ _ (n—p) 1 (k — t)\ (n —1)\ _ y-________(n — p)! (t — p)\ (k — n)\ _ f=\q\(t — p — q)\(n — t-]-q)\(k — n — q)\ ’ Let the differential equation be — g(x) (21) q = 0 (22)


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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