Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 24

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 24
24 and t _ n — o dt ~ -* (- í)" d"ii (k—n) [kn- at2( 1 + ecosT)]~— -----+ n! dt k(k— 1) + ar(l + ecost) (40) We get another set ol solutions by using (25) and in this case we confine ourselves to the first two terms or: d2 t2 —2- + at2 (1 + e cos (t + T)) y (36a) dt I d3u du \ + hií3 ~ ,3' + ö (1 + eCOS (t + t))— eay sin (f + x)j = 0 \ dt dt / whence we get -> 2 tn d"U ^(k-n)(k—l — n)[(k-l)(/c+2(n — 1)) — at (1 + Ecos(/+T))] -J'jf /1= 0________;____ ________ D (41) D = k (k — l)2 (k — 2) + 2 (A’— 1) (fc - 3) ar (1 + e cos (t + T)) + 2 (k — 1) eat3 sin (/ + T) + a'/4 (1 + e cos (/ + T))~ if 2 (k 1) 3 (k — 1) (k — 2) + at2 (1 +ecos (/+T)) (42) dk~'y 0 whereby it fulfills the condition that ^ fc , disappears al- so from the series in (41). Likewise we obtain from (36a):


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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