Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 42

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Side 42
42 out, we get rid of the questions concerning the convergence of the series and, what is of more importance, we ar able to deal with the series a^xn in many cases where the H = 0 00 divergence of a,txn makes the use of the last mentioned n = 0 series impossible. On the other hand if we are dealing with divergent series by the asymptotic methods set out here, we have to re- call that the results always are given as real. If, therefore, the quantity sought for actually is imaginary or complex we cannot expect that the asymtotic methods give the quantity correctly. This fact 'is indicated by oscillating or even divergent results when we attempt to attain greater accuracy by including more terms in our calculations. REFERENCES 1) Thorkell Thorkelsson, Approximate Integration, Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags íslands. XXII, p. 36 (1937). 2) — — Serial Relations II, Soc. Sci. Isl., Greinar I, p. 181, (1940). 3) — — Serial Relations, Soc. Sci. Isl., Grei- nar I, p. 99, (1937). 4) — — DifferentialSeriesof EulerianType, Soc. Sci. Isl., Greinar I. p. 201, (1940). 5) — — Divergent Series, Tímarit Verk- fræðingafélags íslands, XVIII, p. 23, English Summary, p. 30, (1933). 6) J. G. Brainerd and C. N. Weygandt, Solutions of Mathieu’s Equation, Phil. Mag., XXX, p. 474 (1940). 7) E. Jahnke and F. Emde, Funktionentafeln, Leipzig, 1909. 8) Thorkell Thorkelsson, Divergent Power Series, Soc. Sci. Islandica, XVII. pp. 23, (1934).


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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