Leyfi til að elska - jan. 2023, Blaðsíða 20
behaviors toward their abusers—rather, the professionals indicated
that the vast majority of abused children engaged in attachment-
enhancing behaviors. These results indicate that when there is a
justified reason for rejecting a parent, such as with severe child phys-
ical abuse, children do not engage in such behaviors.
. Warshak RA: When evaluators get it wrong: false positive IDs
and parental alienation. Psychol Publ Pol Law 2020, 26:58–68,
This review paper addresses many misconceptions about parental
alienation that mental health and legal professionals make when
working with clients, which can lead to misdiagnoses and inappropriate
interventions. The author also highlights that evaluators, judges, and
other experts who do not consider the nuances of alienating behaviors
will likely make false conclusions.
8. Baker AJL, Eichler A: The linkage between parental alienation
behaviors and child alienation. J Divorce Remarriage 2016, 57:
475–484, https://doi.org/10.1080/10502556.2016.1220285.
9. Hands AJ, Warshak RA: Parental alienation among college
students. Am J Fam Ther 2011, 39:431–443, https://doi.org/
10. Johnston JR, Walters MG, Olesen NW: The psychological
functioning of alienated children in custody disputing fam-
ilies: an exploratory study. Am J Forensic Psychol 2005, 23:
11. Harman JJ, Warshak RA, Lorandos D: Parental alienation
research: an enquiry into the epistemology of social science.
Manuscript in preparation. Department of Psychology, Colorado
State University. In preparation.
. Harman JJ, Leder-Elder S, Biringen Z: Prevalence of adults who
are the targets of parental alienating behaviors and their
impact: results from three national polls. Child Youth Serv Rev
2019, 106:1–13, https://doi.org/10.1016/
Three samples selected to be representative of the U.S. and Canadian
populations were collected to assess prevalence of parental alienating
behavior exposure and outcomes. Using different measures, the au-
thors determined that approximately 22 million American adults are the
unreciprocating targets of parental alienating behaviors, and over 4
million children are moderately to severely alienated from a parent.
Alienated parents also reported high levels of depression and trauma
symptoms, and nearly half had considered suicide within the last year.
13. Sharples A, Harman, JJ, Lorandos D. Findings of abuse in fam-
ilies affected by parental alienation. Manuscript submitted for
publication. Department of Psychology, University of Toronto. In
14. Harman JJ, Kruk E, Hines D: Parental alienating behaviors: an
unacknowledged form of family violence. Psychol Bull 2018,
144:1275–1299, https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000175.
15. Baker AL: Adult children of parental alienation syndrome:
breaking the ties that bind. Norton & Co; 2007.
16. Baker AJL, Ben Ami N: Adult recall of childhood psychological
maltreatment in adult children of divorce: prevalence and
associations with outcomes. J Divorce Remarriage 2011, 52:
203–219, https://doi.org/10.1080/10502556.2011.556973.
17. Baker AJL, Chambers J: Adult recall of childhood exposure to
parental conflict: unpacking the black box of parental alien-
ation. J Divorce Remarriage 2011, 52:55–76, https://doi.org/
18. Bretherton I, Munholland KA: Internal working models in
attachment relationships: a construct revisited. In Handbook
of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications. Edited
by Cassidy J, Shaver PR, The Guilford Press; 1999:89–111.
. Bentley C, Matthewson M: The not-forgotten child: alienated
adult children’s experience of parental alienation. Am J Fam
Ther 2020, 48:509–529, https://doi.org/10.1080/
This interview study of adults who were alienated as children described
abuse suffered at the hands of the alienating parent. The children also
reported experiencing problems with current relationships, depression,
anxiety, low-self-worth, guilt, and reduced or delayed educational and
career attainment.
20. Haines J, Matthewson M, Turnbull M: Understanding and man-
aging parental alienation: a guide to assessment and treatment.
Routledge; 2019.
21. Baker AJL, Darnall D: Behaviors and strategies of parental
alienation: a survey of parental experiences. J Divorce
Remarriage 2006, 45:97–124, https://doi.org/10.1300/
22. Poustie C, Matthewson M, Balmer S: The forgotten parent: the
targeted parent perspective of parental alienation. J Fam
Issues 2018, 39:3298–3323, https://doi.org/10.1177/
. Clawar SS, Rivlin BV: Children held hostage: identifying brain-
washed children, presenting a case, and crafting solutions.
American Bar Association; 2013.
This book describes a groundbreaking study of over 1,000 families who
were involved in custody disputes and dealing with a parent who was
on an active campaign to brainwash their child to hate the other parent.
The book details specific strategies that were used by the parents,
interventions that failed to work in remedying the problem (e.g., indi-
vidual therapy for the child alone), and how this issue affects the entire
24. Barber BK, Buehler C: Family cohesion and enmeshment:
different constructs, different effects. J Marriage Fam 1996,
58:433–441, https://doi.org/10.2307/353507.
25. Baker AJL: The long-term effects of parental alienation: a
qualitative research study. Am J Fam Ther 2005, 33:289–302,
26. Moné JG, Biringen Z: Assessing parental alienation: empirical
assessment of college student’s recollections of parental
alienation during their childhoods. J Divorce Remarriage 2012,
53:157–177, https://doi.org/10.1080/10502556.2012.663265.
27. López TJ, Iglesias VEN, García PF: Parental alienation
gradient: strategies for a syndrome. Am J Fam Ther 2014, 42:
217–231, https://doi.org/10.1080/01926187.2013.820116.
. Bernet W, Gregory N, Rohner RP, Reay KM: Measuring the
difference between parental alienation and estrangement: the
PARQ-Gap. J Forensic Sci 2020, 65:1225–1234, https://doi.org/
This paper compares ratings of acceptance and rejection of parents
among alienated children, neglected children, children from intact
families, and children from divorced families. The PARQ measure was
able to differentiate alienated children from the others, as they had the
highest gaps in scores comparing their parents. Lack of ambivalence is
one of several indicators of parental alienation, so this paper indicates
that the measure is one way that can help distinguish parental alien-
ation from other forms of contact refusal.
29. Blagg N, Godfrey E: Exploring parent-child relationships in
alienated versus neglected/emotionally abused children
using the Bene-Anthony family relations test. Child Abuse Rev
2018, 27:486–496, https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2537.
30. Coleman JS: Social capital in the creation of human capital.
Am J Sociol 1988, 94:95–120.
31. Wu Z, Schimmele CM, Hou F: Family structure, academic
characteristics, and postsecondary education. Fam Relat
2015, 64:205–220.
32. Freeman M: International child abduction: the effects. Liverp
Law Rev 2006, 18:167–183, https://doi.org/10.1007/
33. Maslow AH: A theory of human motivation. Psychol Rev 1943,
50:370–396, https://doi.org/10.1037/h0054346.
34. Ben Ami N, Baker AJL: The long-term correlates of childhood
exposure to parental alienation on adult self-sufficiency and
well-being. Am J Fam Ther 2012, 40:169–183, https://doi.org/
35. Bernet W, Gregory N, Reay KM, Rohner RP: An objective
measure of splitting in parental alienation: the Parental
Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire. J Forensic Sci 2018, 63:
776–783, https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13625.
36. Bowlby J: Attachment and loss. In Separation: anxiety and
anger, vol. 2. Basic Books; 1973.
Parental alienation and loss Harman et al. 11
www.sciencedirect.com Current Opinion in Psychology 2022, 43:7–12
parent during childhood describe a deep sense of grief,
particularly regarding time lost with the alienated
parent [19,25].
Alienated children experience not just the loss of a
parent-child relationshipdthey experience a corruption
of reality that creates a loss of identity, childhood and
innocence, as well as connections to their extended
family and communities. Across these losses, the child is
deprived of a multitude of supports and affordances that
foster healthy development. Much is known about how
exposure to PABs harm children. Now is the time to
apply that knowledge to protect future generations of
children from experiencing this pernicious form of
childhood maltreatment.
This research did not receive any specific grant from
funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
profit sectors.
Conflict of interest statement
Nothing declared.
The authors would like to thank Amanda Sillars for sharing her experience
as an alienated child and mother by providing the opening quote for this
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
of special interest
of outstanding interest
1. Bernet W, Lorandos D: Preface. In Parental alienation—science
and law. Edited by Lorandos D, Bernet W, Charles C. Thomas
Publisher, Ltd; 2020. xiii–xviii.
. Verrocchio MC, Baker AJL, Marchetti D: Adult report of child-
hood exposure to parental alienation at different develop-
mental time periods. J Fam Ther 2018, 40:602–618, https://
This study of adults alienated as children drew associations between
exposure to parental alienating behaviors and the experience of
childhood maltreatment, regardless of the gender of the parent who
was alienating the child.
3. Verrocchio MC, Baker AJL, Bernet W: Associations between
exposure to parental alienating behaviors, anxiety, and
depression in an Italian sample of adults. J Forensic Sci 2016,
61:692–698, https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.13046.
4. Harman JJ, Bernet W, Harman J: Parental alienation: the
blossoming of a field of study. Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2019, 28:
1–6, https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721419827271.
5. Sims M, Rofail M: Grandparents with little or no contact with
grandchildren- impact on grandparents. J Aging Stud 2013, 2:
2–7, https://doi.org/10.4172/2329-8847.1000117.
. Baker AJL, Miller S, Bernet W, Adebayo T: The assessment of
the attitudes and behaviors about physically abused chil-
dren: a survey of mental health professionals. J Child Fam
Stud 2019, 28:3401–3411, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-
This paper collected data from mental health providers who worked
with severely abused children and had them report on the children’s
behaviors and attitudes toward their abusive parents. This study is
important, as it found that abused children did not engage in rejection
Table 1
Impact of losses on the needs of the child.
Need Parental role in meeting child’s needs Examples of impacts on the child due to
parental alienation
Physiological Buying food, clothing, housing, medicine. Fewer people to help with the procurement
of food, clothing, housing, and medicine
for the child.
Safety Providing a clean and safe home with a
predictable schedule of routines and
Fewer people to teach the child how to be
safe, how to do chores, how to protect
him/herself, and to protect the child from
Love and belonging Touching the child in a loving and
affectionate manner, affirming the
child’s acceptance and belonging to the
extended family and community.
Fewer people to touch the child in a loving
and affectionate manner, affirming the
child’s acceptance and belonging to the
extended family and community.
Esteem Creating opportunities for the child to make
decisions and share his/her perspective
which is valued.
Fewer people to provide opportunities for
the child to make decisions and share
his/her perspective, which is valued.
Self-actualization Providing the child with opportunities to
make choices, express him or herself,
explore sports and arts, develop skills,
values, tastes, styles, and talents.
Fewer people to provide the child with
opportunities to make choices, express
him or herself, explore sports and arts,
develop skills, values, tastes, styles,
and talents. These opportunities may
not be sufficient but are necessary to
promote self-actualization.
Note. These categorical needs are based on Maslow’s [33] hierarchy of needs.
10 Separation, Social Isolation, and Loss
Current Opinion in Psychology 2022, 43:7–12 www.sciencedirect.com