The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 7

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 7
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 331 15. On a wall, Egilstaðir 24/6. (Prasiola crispa, Caloneis Silicula v. genuina, Gomphonema gracile v. dichotomum, Hantzschia amphioxys, Pinnularia borealis, and numerous fragments of larger diatoms which evidently have not been living in this locality). 22. Twig of Betula odorata in the wood at Egilstaðir 25/e. (No algæ). 23. Cortex of Betula, the wood at Egilstaðir 25/6. (No algæ). 24. Rock with trickling water; ground sloping towards Eyvindará in the shadow of Salix phylicifolia 25/6. (Desmidiaceae, Nostoc sp., Tolypothrix sp., Diatomella Balfouriana, Diploneis ovalis v. oblongella, Eunotia gracilis, E. prærupta f. curta, Melosira crenulata, Meridion circulare, Navicula contenta, N. perpusilla, Nitzschia amphibia, Pinnularia gracillima, P. lata v. Rabenhorstii, Itho- palodia gibba, R. gibberula). 25. Moss in the fissure of a rock at Eyvindará 25/6. (Achnanthes microcephala, Ceratoneis Arcus, Denticula frigida, Dia- tomella Balfouriana, Diploneis minuta, D. ovalis v. oblongella, Meridioh circulare, Navicula bryophila, N. Rotæana, Nitzschia amphibia, N. com- munis, N. debilis, Pinnularia gracillima, P. parva v. minuta, P. viridis v. commutata, Rhopalodia gibberula, R. ventricosa, Tabellaria fenestrata, T. flocculosa). 28. On the bridle-path across the mýri near Vallanes 26/6. (Epithemia Argus, Eunotia prærupta f. curta, Nitzschia amphibia, N. communis, N. c. v. abbreviata, N. Palea v. minuta, Pinnularia borealis, Rhopalodia gibberula, R. ventricosa). 29. Moss from the top of a knoll; mýri near Vallanes 26/6. (Stigonema minutum, Gloeothece rupestris, Nostoc sp.). 40. On sods in the lower part of the wall of old Vallanes 26/6. (Prasiola crispa, Diatomella Balfouriana, Diploneis ovalis, Eunotia prærupta, Hantzschia amphioxys v. xerophila, Navicula mutica f. Cohnii, N. m. f. minima, N. pusilla, Pinnularia borealis, P. intermedia, P. viridis v. commutata, Rhopalodia gibberula). 41. Mýri; in a place where green turf had been removed; Vallanes 26/e. (Vaucheria sp., Caloneis angustivalva, Epithemia Zebra, Eunotia præ- rupta f. curta, Gomphonema angustatum v. producta, Hantzschia am- phioxys v. genuina, Navicula cincta v. Heufleri, Nitzschia amphibia, Pin- nularia appendiculata v. irrorata, P. borealis, P. intermedia, P. parva v. minuta). 55. Rock-cave near stream; Mjóanes. Water dripping down con- tinually 27/6. (Hormidium flaccidum, Ulothrix zonata, Tribonema bombycinum, Diatoms, chieíly Meridion circulare).
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The Botany of Iceland

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