The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 17

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 17
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 341 282. On ground near manure heap outside Reykjavík 3/s. (Prasiola crispa, Caloneis fasciata v. inconstantissima, Hantzschia amphioxys v. xeropliila, Navicula Atonuis, N. nitrophila, Pinnularia bo- realis). 283. Rock by the shore near the new steamboat wharf at Reykja- vík 4/8. (Prasiola crispa). 286. Paling at Reykjavík 3/s. (Apatococcus lobatus, Chlorella ellipsoidea, Plcurococcus vulgaris). 287. At the base of fence pole at Möðruvellir in Kjós 5/s. (Botrydiopsis arhiza, Prasiola sp., Stichococcus bacillaris). 292. On barn door; Möðruvellir (Kjós) 5/s. (Dcsmococcus vulgaris, Pleurococcus vulgaris, Trochiscia hirta). 294. On turf in wall of house in a place where the water runs down in rainy weather; Möðruvellir (Kjós) 6/s. (Hormidium flaccidum, Diatomella Balfouriana, Diploneis ovalis, Epithemia Zebra, Eunotia prærupta, Pinnularia lata, Nitzschia amphibia (the most of the Diatoms were dead frustules)). 295. On ground in front of the house („Hlað”); Möðruvellir (Kjós) 6/s. (Phormidium autumnale, Prasiola crispa, Anomoeoneis brachysira, Cymbella æqualis, C. gracilis, Diatomella Balfouriana, Diploneis ovalis v. oblongella, Eunotia lunaris, E. prærupta f. curta, E. sudetica, Fragilaria virescens, Gomphonema angustatum, G. parvulum v. exilissima, Hantzschia amphioxys v. genuina, H. a. v. xerophila, Melosira crenulata, Navicula Atomus, N. mutica f. Cohnii, N. nitrophila, N. Rotæana, Pinnularia bo- realis, P. intermedia, P. interrupta f. rninor, P. molaris f. curta, Rhopa- lodia gibberula). West lceland. 297. On ground in potato field just in front of house; Geitaberg 7/s. (Phormidium subcapitatum, Prasiola crispa, Diatomella Balfouriana, Goinphonema angustatum v. productum, Navicnla Atomus, N. nitrophila, N. Rotæana, Pinnularia parva v. minuta, Rhopalodia gibberula). 298. On ground near liouse („Hlað”); Geitaberg 7/s. (Phormidiutn sp., Prasiola crispa, Anomoeoneis brachysira, Hantzschia amphioxys v. xerophila, Navicula nitrophila, N. Rotæana, Pinnularia bo- realis, P. viridis v. commutata). 302. Desiccated algæ in a spot where there had been a pool in the spring; near Geitaberg 7/s. (Zygogonium ericetorum, Achnanthes coarctata, A. marginulata, A. mi- crocephala. Caloneis Silicula v. minuta, Cocconeis minuta, Cymbella æqualis, C. gracilis, C. lapponica, C. naviculiformis, Gomphonema par- vulum, G. subclavatum, Meridion circulare, Navicula cocconeiformis, Pin- nularia divergentissima forma, P. gracillima, P. intermedia, P. viridis v. commutata, Rhopalodia ventricosa, Stauroneis anceps, Surirella minuta, Tabellaria tlocculosa). The Botnny of Icelund. Vol. II. 23
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The Botany of Iceland

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