The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 19

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 19
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 343 (Desmidiaceæ, Diatoma hiemale, Diatomella Balfouriana, Epithemia Argus, E. turgida, Frustulia rhomboides, F. r. v. saxonica, Gomphonema subclavatum, G. parvulum, Hantzschia amphioxys, Meridion circulare, Melosira italica v. tenuissima, Navicula cincta, Pinnularia borealis, P. vi- ridis v. commutata, Surirella ovalis, Synedra Ulna v. tvpica, S. U. v. danica, Tabellaria flocculosa (det. E. 0strup)). 330. Small boiling spring at Sturlureykir; temp. of water 76° C.; on silicious sinter not wetted by the water 9/s. (Calothrix thermalis). 331. At same boiling spring, on Sphagnum on bank of outlet 9/s. (Desmidiaceæ). 333. On bank of outlet from Deildartungahver; not directly wetted by the water; temp. of the water 66° C. 9/s. (Stigonema panniforme). 334. Squeezed out of Sphagnum cushions at Deildartungahver; temp. of cushions 17° C. 9/s. (Desmidiaceæ, Diatomella Balfouriana, Epithemia Argus, E. turgida, Eunotia prærupta f. curta, Frustulia rhomboides, Hantzschia amphioxys, Meridion circulare, Nitzschia Denticula, Pinnularia appendiculata, P. bo- realis, Bhopalodia rupestris (det. E. 0strup)/. 335 Betula in the wood near Norðtunga 10/s. (Trentepohlia? in the imperfect thallus of a lichcn). 336. Itoad near Helgavatn 10/s. (Botrydiopsis arliiza, Achnanthes marginulata, Caloneis fasciata, C. Vaucheriæ, Cymbella Cistula, Diatomella Balfouriana, Eunotia præ- rupta f. curta, Fragilaria lævissima, F.virescens, Gomphonema angustatum, Navicula Atomus, N. brekkaensis, Pinnularia appendiculata v. irrorata, P. horealis, P. gracillima, P. molaris, Rhopalodia gibba, R. gibberula). 337. Beside a hot spring at Helgavatn i0/s. (Symploca muscorum, Caloneis fasciata, Navicula contenta, Nitzschia amphibia, N. communis v. abbreviata, N. microcephala, lUiopalodia gib- bernla). 338. Soil from potato field near the hot springs at Helgavatn 10/s. (Botrydiopsis arhiza, Vaucheria hamata, Caloneis Vaucheriæ, Dia- tomella Balfouriana, Epitlietnia Argus, F'ragilaria virescens, Navicula thermi- cola, Nitzschia Denticula, Pinnularia appendiculata, P. borealis, P. inter- rupta f. minor, P. molaris, P. subcapitata, P. viridis v. rupestris). 343. Vaucheria carpets on mud on bank of brook bed near Borg n/s. Fig. 1, p. 357. (Vaucheria sphærospora, Diatomeæ). 344. On mud in naked depression in littoral meadow at Borg; frequently llooded with salt water n/s. (Vaucheria sphærospora, Percursaria percursa, Diatomeæ). 349. At base of telegraph pole near Borgarnes n/8. (Chlorella rugosa, Stichococcus bacillaris). 23
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The Botany of Iceland

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