The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 52

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 52
376 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN tain slopes, among mosses, and in a mountain cave (Hustedt 1922 I, p. 99). I have found it myself in Denmark (1915 p. 295) in similar places. The species has been found by 0strup in 48 samples from fresh water, so it may perhaps be inferred that in Iceland the species grows pre- dominantly in water, though it often occurs as an aérial alga, especially on damp rocks. Eunotia lunaris Grun. Van Heurck, Synops. Pl. 35, figs. 3-6a. S. Icel. 295. Oniy a single specimen was found in the sample. Probably a fru- stule which has been carried accidentally to this locality. Eunotia paludosa Grun. A. Mayer 1918 p. 113, Taf. I, íig. 8, 9. E. lu- naris var.? Boye Petersen 1924 III, p. 20. E. Icel. L. 4, 8, L. 123, 124, 129 - N. Icel. 140. I found this little Eunotia, which I liave previously mentioned as E. lunaris var.? (loc. cit.), in 5 samples from E. Icel. and 1 from N. Icel., partly from mýri and partly among mosses and on vertical rock faces. It lias the following dimensions: 1.15—26 /z, br. 3,8—3,7str. 20—23 in 10,«. It is slightly curved with parallel dorsal and ventral side, while the ends are sometimes slightly upward curved. It thus shows a fairly close correspondence with E. paludosa as described by A. Mayer (1. c.). It is also very reminiscent of certain forms of E. arcuata Steinecke (1916, p. 40, fig. 13), but it seems to me that several species may lurk under this name, none of the forms described agreeing closely with those observed by me. 0strup mentions the species as occurring in two samples. This species occurred in a quantity of individuals in not a few of the samples of earth collected by Molholm-Hansen in the summer of 1925. It may then be inferred that it is often present on the ground though it would seem as if it did not belong to the species that will withstand much desiccation. Eunotia pectinalis (Dillw.) Rabenh. var. impressa O. Múller. A. Maycr 1918, p. 115, Taf. II, figs. 23—25. E. impressa var. angusta. V. Heurck Synops. Pl. 35, íig. 1. E. Icel. 4, 140. This is hardly any pronouncedly aérial species, though according to Hustedt (1922, p. 99) it thrives well on irrigated mosses, and so may be expected to occur, inter alia, on mýri in Iceland. Found by 0strup in 30 samples from fresh water. Eunotia prærupta Ehrb. f. curta Grun. A. Mayer 1918 p. 103, Taf. I, íig. 30—34. V. Heurck Synops. Pl. 34, íig. 24. E. Icel. 24, 28, L. 41, 68, L. 70, 85, 112, L. 123, 129 - N. Icel. 160. 252, 256 — W. Icel. 321, 336 — S. Icel. 295, 327. E.prœrupla seems in the main to be an alpine-boreal species. As a matter of i'act, 0strup found it in 82 samples from Iceland. In 15
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The Botany of Iceland

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