The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 61

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 61
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 385 Caloneis silicula Ehrb. var. genuina Cl. Cleve Syn. I, p. 51. V. H. Syn. Pl. XII, fig. 18. E. Icel. 15 - N. Icel. 140. This highly variable species I have only found in few specimens on a wall among Prasiola and in a ditch among desiccated algæ. As it be- longs to the species common in Iceland (0strup 151 samples), it must be taken for granted that it is no aérial Diatom. — — var. gibberula Kiitz. Cl. Syn. I, p. 51. Nav. limosa v. gibbe- rula V. H. Syn. Pl. XII, íig. 19. E. Icel. 85. Like the preceding one this variety is hardly an aérial form. — — var. minuta Grun. Cl. Syn. I, p. 52. N. ventricosa v. minuta V. H. Syn. Pl. XII, iig. 26. E. Icel. 125 - N. Icel. 169. As regards life conditions this variety probably beliaves like the other forms of the species. 0strup presumably did not distinguish between the various varieties of tlie species but groups them together. Caloneis Vaucheriæ Boye P. n. sp. Caloneis valva lanceolata, apicibus protractis, long. 18 /í, lat. 4—4,4/i, striis 23 in 10 /t, radiantibus vel ad apices pa- rallelis. Arca apicali angusta; area centrali in fasciam trans- apicalem dilatata. Fig. 11. N. Icel. L. 218 — W. Icel. 336, L. 338 - S. Icel. 386. For the present I refer this small species to Caloneis, since I think I have seen a line apical line on either side a little way inside the margin. In girdle view the frustule Boye P. n. sp. is rectangular, and the terminal nodules are somewhat re- (x 120<))- moved frotn the apices. Only found on the ground. Two of the samples were from very damp soil, one from a potato field and one from a road. It is undoubt- edly a genuine aérial species, though perhaps it will not withstand much desiccation. In two of the samples it was found among Vaucheria. Anomoeoneis Pfitzer. Anomoeoneis brachysira (Bréb.) Grun. Cl. Syn. II, p. 7. Navicula scrians v. minima V. H. Syn. Pl. 12, íig. 8, 9. E. Icel. 4, 123, L. 125 — N. Icel. 256 - W. Icel. 298 — S. Icel. 295. In tlie main probably an alpine-arctic species (cp. Stockmayer 1909, p. 82 f.) rarely occurring in great quantity. According to the data (0strup 8 samples, ego 5 samples) it would seem to be predominantly aérial in Iceland. The reason why I only found it with cell contents in one sample is probably that there was only a small number of speci- Fig. ll. Caloneis Vaucheriœ.
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The Botany of Iceland

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